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Cablegate: Cotonou Reports On the Placement of State And

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PAS Cotonou reports the following placements of State Department
material and articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S. centered
articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and various
independent newspapers:

November 4: An article in the independent daily L'Informateur on the
November 4 presidential election in the United States titled
"L'Amerique aussi." (America too). The articles indicated that
Barack Obama and his collister Joe Biden are so popular that if they
were not declared winners of the November 4 presidential election in
the United States, people would come to the streets to protest.

November 6:
An article in the independent daily Le Matinal on the U.S.
Presidential election titled "Un Black a la Maison Blanche: les
Beninois saluent l'election de Barack Obama." (A Black man in the
White House: Beninese salute Barack Obama's election).

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November 7:
The following articles were published:
An article in the independent daily La Nouvelle Tribune, based on
the U.S. State Department transcripts entitled "Presidentielle
Americaine: le discours de victoire de Barack Obama." (U.S.
presidential election: Barack Obama's victory speech).

An article in La Nouvelle tribune on MCA-Benin project titled
"Signature de protocoles d'accords de partenariat avec MCA-Benin:
pour une meilleure securisation fonciere a Tchaourou et a Parakou."
(Signature of protocol partnership agreements with MCA-Benin,
regarding the achievement of land security in Tchaourou and

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune on President Barack Obama's
transition team titled "Etats-Unis: les hommes de Barack Obama."
(United Stated: the men of Barack Obama).

An article in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien on the outcome
of the presidential election in the United States titled "Election
Presidentielle aux Etats-Unis: I have a dream ... Et le reve devient
realite." (Presidential election in the United States: I have a
dream ... and the dream comes true).

An article in the independent daily L'Informateur on the formation
of President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet titled "Etats-Unis: les
hommes de Barack Obama." (United States: the men of Barack Obama).

An article in the independent daily L'Informateur titled "Bush et
Obama auront lundi leur premier face-a-face de presidents sortant et
elu." (On Monday, Bush and Obama will hold their first meeting as
the outgoing and the in-coming presidents).

An article in the independent daily Le Matin based on the State
Department transcripts entitled "Etats-Unis: le discours de victoire
de Barack Obama." (United States: Barack Obama's victory speech).

An article in Le Matin on President-elect Barack Obama's security
titled "Etats-Unis: l'un des prochains dfis d'Obama sera sa propre
securite." (United States: one of Obama's first challenges will be
his personal security).

An article in the independent daily L'Aurore on President-elect
Barack Obama first government entitled "Obama commence a mettre en
place l'equipe qui va diriger les Etats-Unis." (Obama has begun to
form the government that will rule the United States).

An article in L'Aurore, titled "Obama, le premier President
high-tech a la Maison Blanche." (Obama, the first high-tech
President at the White House).

An article in L'Aurore, titled " Rahm Emanuel accepte le poste de
Secrtaire general de la Maison Blache, selon des sources a
Washington. " (According to government sources,
Rahm Emanuel accepts the position of Chief of Staff of the White

An article in L'Aurore on the peace talks in the Middle-East titled
"Rice pessimiste sur un accord au Proche-Orien." (Rice pessimistic
about an agreement on the Middle-East).

An article in the independent daily Le Challenge, based on State
Department transcripts entitled "Discours de victoire de Barack
Obama." (Barack Obama's victory speech). The newspaper published the
entirety of the speech.

November 10:
The following articles were published in the independent daily Le
Matin :

COTONOU 00000810 002.3 OF 005

An article on Barack Obama's tenure titled " Barack Obama: un
president attendu sur tous les fronts. " (Barack Obama : a president
expected to perform in all spheres of development).

An article based on President Bush'speech on the election titled
"Texte integral de l'allocution du President Bush sur l'elecion
presidentielle." (the entirety of President ush statement on the
presidential election).

full page article based on Michelle Obama's biogrphy titled "Qui
est Michelle Obama? Portrait de a nouvelle First Lady." (Who is
Michelle Obama: prtrait of the new First Lady.)

An article in the independent daily La Nouvelle Tribune titled "De
la longue marche de Martin Luther King a une victoire historique de
Barack Obama." (From Martin Luther King's long march to Barack
Obama's historical victory).

An article in the independent daiy L'Informateur on the
post-election conference held at the American Cultural Center titled
"Election presidentielle aux Etats-Unis: la victoire de Barack Obama
celebre a travers une conference de presse au Centre Culturel
Americain." (Presidential Election in the United States: Barack
Obama's victory celebrated with a press conference held at the
American Cultural Center).

An article in the independent daily Le Telegramme on Barack Obama's
victory titled "Apres l'historique election de Barack Obama, Le
Congres Panafricain pour l'Emergence de la Jeunesse Africaine
reaffirme son soutien au nouveau President des Etats-Unis. "
(Following Barack Obama's historic victory, the Panafrican Congress
for the Emergence of the African Youth reaffirms its support to the
new president of the United States).

November 11:
The following articles were published:
An article in the independent daily Le Matin on the first meeting
between President Bush and President-elect Barack Obama titled
"Etats-Unis: Obama va mettre pour la premiere fois les pieds dans le
bureau oval." (United States: Obama will set foot for the first time
in the oval office).

Two articles in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien on
President-elect Barack Obama and the first lady titled "Barack Obama
envisage de revenir sur des decisions de George Bush," (Barack Obama
is considering on changing some of President Bush's decisions), and
"Etats-Unis: Michele Obama, une premiere Dame, Maman-en-Chef."
(United States: Michele Obama, a First Lady, Mummy-in-Chief).

An article in the government-owned La Nation on MCA-Benin's signing
of partnership agreement for the achievement of land security titled
"Projet Acces au foncier de MCA-Benin: Kalale et Nikki dans la
barque de la securite fonciere." (MCA-Benin's access to land projet:
Kalale and Nikki sign a partnership agreement).

November 12:
The following articles were published:
An article in the independent daily L'Informateur on the first
meeting between President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack
Obama titled "Etats-Unis: entrevue constructive entre Bush et Obama
a la Maison Blanche."
United States: Constructive meeting between Bush and Obama at the
White House).

An article in the independent daily L'Option Infos on the first
meeting between President Bush and Presient-elect Barack Obama
titled "Etats-Unis: Bush-Obama: premier tete-a-tete." (United
States: Bush-Obama: first tete-a-tete).

An article in the independent daily Le Matin on the transition
between the outgoing president and the President-elect titled
"Etats-Unis: l'equipe Obama travaille, Bush s'accroche a ses
prerogatives." (United States: the Obama team is at work; Bush holds
on to his prerogatives).

An article in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien on one of
President-elect Barack Obama's campaign promises titled "Etats-Unis:
Barack Obama souhaite la fermeture de Guantanamo." (United States:
Barack Obama wishes to close down Guantanamo).

November 13:
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin and la Nouvelle Tribune on the Mission-hosted
workshop on national security strategy titled "Lutte contre
l'inscurit au Benin: les Etats-Unis et le CESA (Centre d'Etudes
Strategiques de l'Afrique)renforcent les officiers." (Fight against
insecurity in Benin : the United States and the Center for Strategic
Studies empower the security officers).

COTONOU 00000810 003.2 OF 005

An article in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien on Barack
Obama's election titled "Election de Barack Obama: les petits Barack
et Obama se bousculent dans les maternites." (Barack Obama's
election: babies named Barack and Obama are crowding the maternity

An article in the independent daily Fraternite on MCA-Benin's Access
to Land project titled " Vers une securisation du foncier a Parakou:
Le MCA-Benin et la municipalite de Parakou signent un accord de
partenariat. "
(Securing access to land in Parakou: MCA-Benin and the municipality
of Parakou sign a partnership agreement).

An article in the government-controlled la Nation on the U.S.
presidential election titled "Etats-Unis: Sarah Palin regle ses
comptes et prepare son avenir." (United States: Sarah Palin is
dealing with the post-election period and preparing her future

An article in L'Informateur reprinted the entirety of the
State-Department op-ed on Gender-based violence titled "Campagne
"16 jours" d'activisme contre la violence faite aux femmes." (16
day-campaign against gender-based violence).

November 14: An article in L'Autre Quotidien on the Mission-hosted
workshop on security strategy titled "Securite nationale: le Benin
appelle a developer une strategie adaptee aux nouveaux dangers."
(National Security: Benin is urged to develop a strategy suited to
the new dangers).

November 18:
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin on a Mission-initiated activity within the
framework of the celebration of the International Education Week
(IEW) titled "Campus d'Abomey-Calavi: l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis
offre des livres a la Faculte des Arts et Sciences Humaines, Flash."
(University Campus of Abomey-Calavi: the U.S. Embassy offers books
to the Faculty of Arts and the Humanities).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune on the IEW celebration titled
"Cooperation USA-Benin: la Semaine Internationale de l'Education
demarre." (US-Benin cooperation: launching of the IEW).

November 20:
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Informateur on the latest Al-Qaoda message titled
"Etats-Unis/Terrorisme: Selon Al-Qaoda, Obama est un esclave noir au
service des Blancs. " (United States and terrorism : according to
Al-Qaoda, Obama is a black slave serving the Whites).

Two articles in La Nouvelle Tribune on the formation of
President-elect Barack Obama's government titled "Eric Holder,
premier africain-americain, Ministre de la Justice". (Eric Holder,
first African-American appointed to the position of Minister of
Justice), and "Etats-Unis: la faim guette bon nombre d'enfants."
(United States: many children are threatened by hunger).

An article in the independent daily Le Matinal on the Mission-hosted
conference on gender-based violence titled "Conference sur les
violences faites aux femmes: amener les acteurs sociaux a prendre
conscience du probleme." (Conference on gender-based violence:
sensitize the social activists on the importance of the problem).

An article in the independent daily Infos-Plus on the formation of
President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet titled "USA: Obama met en
place son equipe." (United States: Obama is appointing the members
of his government).

Two articles in the L'Autre Quotidien on the financial crisis and
the formation of President-elect Barack Obama's government titled
"Etats-Unis: la Reserve Federale (Fed) envisage une possible
recession en 2009," (United States: the Federal Reserve suspects a
possible recession in 2009) and "Etats-Unis: le cabinet d'Obama se
dessine." (United States, Obama's cabinet is taking shape).

An article in Le Matin on President-elect Barack Obama's popularity
titled "France: un village de 900 ames inaugure sa place Barack
Obama." (France: a village of 900 inhabitants inaugurates a Barack
Obama Square).

November 21:
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune on the activities to mark the
International Education Week titled "Harcelement sexuel au Benin: la
Mission Diplomatique Americaine s'en preoccupe." (Sexual Harrasment
in Benin: the U.S. Diplomatic Mission is concerned about the issue
and taking the necessary steps to stop it).

COTONOU 00000810 004.2 OF 005

An article in the government-controlled La Nation on a World Bank
2009 report titled " Rapport de la Banque Mondiale sur le
developpement dans le monde 2009: baser la croissance en Afrique sur
la cartographie de la geographie economique. " (2009 World Bank
report on global development : base economic growth in Africa on the
cartography of economic geography).

An article in the independent daily L'Aurore on the recent visit to
the port of Cotonou by a US Coast Guards delegation titled "Visite
de la Garde Ctte americaine au Port de Cotonou: la delegation a
constate le renforcement de la securite." (U.S. Coast Guard
delegation visit to the port of Cotonou: the delegation noticed the
strengthening of security measures) and a second article in the same
newspaper on the formation of Obama's cabinet titled "USA: Obama
devoile peu a peu son equipe et ses priorites." (Little by little,
Obama is making his priorities and the names of his cabinet members
known to the public).

November 25:
The following articles were published:
An article in the independent daily Le Telegramme on the formation
of Barack Obama's government titled "Etats-Unis: Barack Obama
presente son equipe economique." (United States: Barack Obama
presents his economic team).

A front-page article in the government-controlled La Nation on the
recently signed bilateral agreements between the United States and
the government of Benin titled "Signature d'amendements aux accords
entre l'USAID et le Benin: 14 milliards FCFA de plus pour
l'education et la sant." (Signing of amendments to the agreements
between USAID and Benin: 14 billions FCFA more for the sectors of
Education and Health).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien reprints the entirety of the
Mission-produced press release on the signing of amendments to the
bilateral agreements between USAID and Benin.

November 26:
The following articles were published:
An article in the independent daily newspapers L'Evenement Precis
and Le Matin, based on the signing of bilateral agreements between
USAID and Benin.

An article in the independent daily L'Aurore on the signing of
bilateral agreements between USAID and Benin, and another article in
the same newspaper on the U.S. efforts to resolve the financial
crisis titled "Etats-Unis: Barack Obama prt a passer le budget au
peigne fin." (United States: Barack Obama is ready to scrutinize the
budget of the United States).

A full page article in L'Autre Quotidien, based on the Washington
Daily File article 105 of 25 November entitled "La violence au Foyer
est un probleme universel: les Etats-Unis et leurs partenaires s'y
attaquent de concert." (Violence in the home is a universal problem:
the United States and its partners are working closely together to
deal with the problem).

An article in the independent daily Le Challenge on the national
16-day-campaign against gender-based violence led by the EMPOWER
project and some local NGOs such as Care International and Rifonga
Benin entitled "Violences faites aux femmes au Benin: une quinzaine
de plaidoyers pour reduire le fleau." (Gender-based violence in
Benin: a week-long campaign to deal with the scourge).

An article in La Nation on the financial crisis entitled "USA: quand
l'economie se degrade, le dollar remonte." United Sates: when the
economy deteriorates, the dollar goes up).

November 27:
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matinal on the 16-day campaign on gender-based
violence entitled "Violences a l'egard des femmes: le projet Empower
au chevet des femmes d'Abomey." (violences against women: the
EMPOWER project assists the women of Abomey).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune based on the Mission-produced
press release about the November 24 signing of bilateral agreements
between USAID and Benin, and another article in the same newspaper
on the formation of President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet titled
"Robert Gates resterait Secretaire a la Defense d'Obama." (Robert
Gates will remain Secretary of the Defense in the Obama

An article in Le Telegramme on the issue of importing cement from
the United States titled "Dossier ciment americain: la Ministre
Christine Oinsavi met en demeure les cadres de son ministere."
(Importing cement from the United States: the Minister of commerce

COTONOU 00000810 005.2 OF 005

warns government officials in her Ministry).

November 28:
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Autre Quotidien on the state of US-Iraqi relations
titled "Irak: adoption de l'accord prevoyant le retrait des troupes
americaines a la fin 2011." (Iraq: Signing of the agreement on the
withdrawal of U.S. troops by the end of 2011).

An article in Le Challenge reprints the entirety of the US
Department message on World Aids Day, 2008.

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune on the 16-day campaign on
Gender-based violence titled "Lutte contre les violences faites aux
femmes: Wildaf/Benin engage dans l'action." (Fight against
gender-based violence: Wildaf/Benin committed to action), and an
article on the signing of U.S.-Iraq agreement on the withdrawal of
US troops.

An article in Le Matinal on the 16-day campaign against gender based
violence titled "Quinzaine contre les violences faites aux femmes:
Wildaf-Benin et L'Unfpa unis pour un meme combat." (Two-week
campaign against gender-based violence: Wildaf-Benin and Unfpa
united towards the same goal).

Electronic media:

During the period of this report, the state-owned ORTB (radio and
TV) and several privately-owned radio and TV stations broadcast
lengthy reports on Mission-hosted activities, in French and all
major local languages. The electronic media was also highly
interested in the recently held presidential election in the United
States, as they broadcast news segments about the electoral process
practically on a daily basis.
In partnership with WorldNet, LC2 (first private TV station in
Benin) continued to broadcast the "Crossroad Caf" series.
In partnership with VOA, Golfe FM (the most prominent Cotonou-based
private radio station) regularly aired VOA news in English and
French, from Monday through Friday. VOA news in French on Golfe FM
is broadcast every morning (Monday through Friday), beginning at
7:30, while the news in English is scheduled from Monday through
Friday, beginning at 17:30.


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