The Strand/Ronayne Street intersection restriction
The Strand/Ronayne Street intersection restrictions
Transit New Zealand advises all road uses in Grafton Gully that work continues on The Strand/Ronayne Street intersection until the end of November.
The following movements are unavailable from today:
1. No right turn from The Strand into Ronayne Street.
2. No right turn from Ronayne Street into The Strand.
3. No left turn from The Strand into Ronayne Street.
All other traffic movements are possible. However, there may be delays as capacity through the area is reduced. Traffic travelling along The Strand (heading toward Beach Rd) will be most affected with only one lane open.
Work is taking place during the day Monday to Saturday from 7am to 7pm. Night work will be undertaken at a later stage and road users and residents will be advised.
Pedestrians should also take extra care in the area and follow the alternative routes that will be clearly signposted throughout the works.
Motorists are asked to use alternative routes and avoid the area where possible.
The work forms part of the major changes being made to the road layout of the area including The Strand/Ronayne St, The Strand/Parnell Rise and Stanley St/ Beach Rd intersections.
Transit thanks all road users and residents for their co-operation.
For more
information about the work, please phone 0800 TO FREEFLOW
(863 733) or visit the public information centre on the
corner of Alten Road & Stanley Street, Grafton.