Waitemata booze blitz highlights anywhere, anytime message
Waitemata booze blitz highlights anywhere, anytime message
On Friday 23 August Waitematä Police
conducted a series of breath test checkpoints during the
Several people expressed surprise at being breath tested during daylight hours, and officers were asked "who would be drunk at this time of the day?"
One of these checkpoints was set up at 2.15pm on Eban Avenue, Hillcrest, near a local Primary school. Forty-five minutes later a man who was about to drive into the school zone was pulled over and breath-tested - he was found to be over twice the legal limit for driving.
"If a young child excited about ending the school week had run out onto the road this driver's judgement and reaction times would have been severely impaired by alcohol" says Inspector Mark Fergus, Waitematä Road Policing Manager.
"This case just highlights the value of breath testing anyone, anywhere at anytime" says Mr Fergus.
The man's licence has been suspended for 28 days, and Police are waiting for the outcome of a blood sample to lay charges.
The focus on drunk drivers will continue, and Waitematä Police are unapologetic about breath-testing anyone, anywhere at anytime.
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