Small Change in Number of New Dwellings
Building Consents Issued: July 2001
Small Change in Number of New Dwellings
Building consents for 1,690 new dwelling units, worth $264.5 million, were issued in July 2001, according to Statistics New Zealand.
The number of new dwellings in July continues the pattern evident since July 2000 where the number of new dwelling units has generally ranged between 1,500 and 1,800 per month. (The exceptions were December 2000, and January and February 2001, when numbers are usually lower.) By comparison, between March 1999 and November 1999, the number of consents issued each month was consistently over 2000 units.
The seasonally adjusted series for new dwelling units shows a 10.7 per cent decrease in July 2001 following a 9.4 per cent increase in June 2001. This series often records large fluctuations from month to month so care should be taken when using it to interpret the short-term change in the number of new dwelling units authorised.
Non-residential building consents issued in July 2001 were valued at $206.6 million. Consents issued for offices and administration buildings comprised $32.7 million of the total. Factories and industrial buildings contributed $32.4 million followed by shops, restaurants and taverns with $32.1 million.
The trend for non-residential buildings has been increasing steadily from a low point in March 1999. In the two years since July 1999 it has increased 28.1 percent.
The total value of all building consents issued in July 2001 was $534.9 million. The trend series for the total value of all building consents has been increasing since November 2000, reflecting the growth in the non-residential component and the relatively stable trend in residential consents.
Brian Pink Government Statistician END