Growing Organic Pages Online!
Growing Organic Pages Online!
The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) is pleased to announce the publication of the Growing Organic internet pages. The Growing Organic pages focus on information that is practical to grow the organic sector as a whole; they provide comprehensive information for everyone from grassroots organizers engaged in advocacy, to trainers and smallholders, to policy makers. They are full of recommendations and options for the successful growth of Organic Agriculture through capacity building, strategic relations, and partnerships. The Growing Organic pages are a collection of tools and information from all corners of the organic world.These pages represent the cumulative knowledge and experience of IFOAM, the global network for Organic Agriculture, and are a community resource designed to represent and serve global organic movements.
While other sections of the IFOAM website focus more specifically on the work of IFOAM as an organization, the goal of the Growing Organic pages is to provide a hub of easily accessible and navigable information for developing Organic Agriculture. IFOAM, having brought this information together, believes that it will serve governments, the private sector and other key stakeholders that are showing great interest in promoting and developing organic and are looking for comprehensive and reliable sources of information. The development of Organic Agriculture around the world will be facilitated through this knowledge resource.The Organic Pages cover eight major topic areas relating to Organic Agriculture: Policy, Advocacy, Strategic Relations, Quality Assurance, Marketing, Training, and Research.
The Rationale behind creating this resource is to share lessons learned in the development of Organic Agriculture so far, e.g. on policy setting and market development, so that communities and governments at all stages of organic development might avoid re-inventing the wheel. Also, the existence of one, authoritative reference site for information on organic facilitates the identification of knowledge gaps and the need for further research and action. Providing this global resource is a visible expression of IFOAM’s role to lead, unite and assist the organic movement in its full diversity.
Go to Growing Organic to learn