Stop Aid to North Korea
Monday 28 Oct 2002 Richard Prebble Press
Releases -- Foreign Affairs & Defence
Stop Aid to North Korea
ACT Leader Richard Prebble called on the Hon Phil Goff to cut off all aid to North Korea until the rogue state complies with its promise to cease its nuclear programme.
"It's bad enough to discover the New Zealand taxpayer has spent $4.5 million on a programme that was to halt the North Korean development of a nuclear bomb only to find we have been conned.
"But now we learn that the Labour government intends sending North Korea more money and the programme has not even been halted.
"Phil Goff says he has complained to the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell. What has it got to do with Powell? Labour seems to think every thing is the fault of the USA.
"The Labour government recognised North Korea and established diplomatic relations without requiring that country to stop its promotion of terrorism. New Zealand has handed over $4.5 million without any proof that the communists have stopped their programme, and now intends sending more money. Appeasement has never worked.
"$4.5 million would have paid for a lot of heart operations.
"ACT insists that the New Zealand aid programme be abandoned and New Zealand demands the return of the $4.5 million," said Mr Prebble.
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