What is the Penalty for Playing a Bum Note?
What is the Penalty for Playing a Bum Note?
"What's the penalty for playing a bum note? asked ACT Leader Richard Prebble today.
Helen Clark in an extraordinary example of the uniquely NZ theory "there ought to be a law" has announced that the Labour government is introducing the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Bill to explicitly require the Orchestra "to provide the public of New Zealand with international-standard performances of symphonic music".
"This raises visions of bassoon players being dragged off to court for playing a bum note.
"The ACT party welcomes this Bill as an interesting experiment on the power of lawmaking.
"We believe a team of international consultants should carefully record and assess the NZSO's present standard of playing. After the Bill is passed the consultants should come back and report on whether there has been an improvement.
"Think of the possibilities. If parliament really can, by law, decree how well the Symphony Orchestra can play why stop there? Parliament could pass a law decreeing that every child can play the violin.
"Why stop at culture? Why isn't the sports minister introducing a law that the All Blacks are to win every game?
"The Bill sounds like something from The Mikado.
"The government's legislative programme is hopelessly log jammed and it now seems there is no-one in the cabinet able to tell Helen Clark that passing a law setting the standard of music for the Orchestra is ridiculous.
"Helen's next proposal will be to have a
Music Commissioner and perhaps the Race Relations
Commissioner who will soon be looking for a new job could
take on this onerous task," said Mr Prebble.