Minister congratulates Capital Coast DHB
Hon David Cunliffe
Minister of Health
16 October 2008 Media Statement
Minister congratulates Capital Coast DHB.
Minister of Health David Cunliffe today congratulated Capital and Coast DHB on securing the services of two paediatric oncologists.
“This is fantastic news, I know Capital and Coast have been working hard to bring this service back to Wellington and I am delighted it is now beginning to happen.” Mr Cunliffe said.
Mr Cunliffe said the news would come as a relief to the families who had been travelling long distances with their children for treatment.
He had advocated that Capital and Coast DHB and Canterbury DHB establish a collaborative arrangement to secure paediatric oncology services.
“While the DHB have secured two new paediatric oncologists, I expect continued co-operation and collaboration between the Boards.
“Patients and their families deserve to know the service is secure and collaboration between the Boards is the best way to achieve this.”
Mr Cunliffe said he was a strong advocate for collaboration across the health sector.
“New Zealand is a relatively small country and its important that services work together in the best interests of patients.”