Western Australia to Introduce Assisted Dying Law
“Yet again our friends around the world have shown us that it’s possible to design perfectly safe assisted dying laws,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“The Western Australian Government has announced plans to introduce assisted dying legislation to Parliament in 2019 after a cross-party parliamentary committee considered international and domestic evidence and released an over 600-page report on assisted dying.
“It shows that if MPs are exposed to the international evidence on assisted dying they come out in favour of legislative change.
“Their evidence-based report found that not all suffering can be alleviated by palliative care, no evidence of a ‘slippery slope’ exists, and no evidence that vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, are at heightened risk of assisted dying.
“The evidence led the committee to recommend that the Government introduce a Bill for Voluntary Assisted Dying.
“MPs here in New Zealand should also listen to the international evidence, see that assisted dying laws work as intended, and vote to pass the End of Life Choice Bill.”