Progress on Fixing the Flyer
12 December 2019
Progress on Fixing the Flyer
MP for Hutt South Chris Bishop is pleased by today’s news from Regional Council Chair Daran Ponter that the Council is working with the Airport to get the Airport Flyer service back on the real-time information boards and using Snapper again.
“Under questioning today at Parliament’s Transport Committee, Mr Ponter confirmed that the Regional Council’s preference was for the Flyer to accept Snapper, and appear on Metlink’s real time information boards so people know when the bus is coming.
“He confirmed that the Council is talking to the Airport about making that a condition of the tender when the Airport goes out to the market next year (the current Flyer contract, held by NZ Bus, expires mid next year).
“This is great news for the Hutt. Hundreds of people have signed my petition to “Fix the Flyer”, calling for exactly what the Regional Council is talking to the airport about. The Flyer is a great service for the Hutt but it has degraded in the past year because people don’t know when the bus is coming, they can’t swipe their snapper card when they get on the bus, and the service reliability has declined.”
“I’ll now be talking to the airport about making sure they make this a condition of the tender next year.”
“This is good progress on
fixing the