Alliance Propose Summit On Violence
Phillida Bunkle MP Thu Sep 16 1999
The Alliance is proposing a summit on violence as
part of its plan to bring down the high levels of violence
against women.
The anti-violence steps are part of the Alliance's women's policy, which will be launched on Sunday 19th September in Wellington.
The summit would be organised by the Ministry of Women's Affairs and led by the victims of violence.
'This is the first step to developing government policies to bring down levels of violence, particularly against women,' Alliance women's affairs spokesperson Phillida Bunkle said today.
'Violence is the single greatest cause of women's physical illnesses and the cause of the greatest medical costs. So far there has been only piecemeal attempts to do anything about it.
'What we're proposing is a comprehensive plan, effective throughout our communities
'We also recognise that the fight against violence needs to start in our schools. That's why we would set up 'Cool Schools' anti violence programs.'
The policy provides for NZQA-approved women's self-defence instructors.
'Well-trained women's self-defence instructors will become a regular feature across New Zealand.
'Adequate funding for Women's Refuge will be guaranteed.
'Funding for those groups who provide support to victims of violence will be increased. That includes funding to those groups who provide specific support to victims after court proceedings,' said Phillida.