ACT policy anti-environment warn Greens
The release of ACT's environment and conservation policy confirms that attacking environmental protection is a key part of their election strategy says Green Party Co-Leader Rod Donald.
"ACT have added environment bashing to Treaty bashing and beneficiary bashing," Mr Donald said.
"ACT's policy is a recipe for environmental destruction. They want to give landowners the right to destroy nature on their property without challenge.
"Good governance is about looking beyond individual property rights to the needs of future generations and nature itself.
"While National has been indifferent to the environment in nine years in office, it is clear that a National/ACT government would actively work to weaken environmental protection.
"That was certainly the conclusion of leading environmental groups who conducted the Vote for the Environment survey, which scored ACT lowest with the Greens the highest of all parties.
"The choice for voters is clear. Vote ACT or National if you want to weaken environmental protection or vote Green if you care about the environment," Rod Donald said.
Rod Donald 025 507 183, 03 366 3292