Partnership approach not breach of ERA
Partnership approach not breach of ERA
Any financial rewards the PSA negotiates for its members through its partnership approach with public sector employers are not illegal, PSA national secretary Richard Wagstaff said today.
“Dr Brash can lay as many complaints as he likes with the Auditor-General. The PSA is not in breach of section 9 of the Employment Relations Act and is confident the Auditor General will come to the same conclusion.”
Richard Wagstaff said the PSA has worked hard over recent years at building up constructive and positive partnership relations with many public sector organisations.
“The partnership approach allows us to advance in our negotiations a recognition of our contribution. This may come in the form of financial payments and/or enhanced working conditions. These rewards are negotiated with individual chief executives and are an indication of the employer valuing the effort made by union members.”
Richard Wagstaff said the PSA has had partnership relationship in place in various public sector organisations for some time and has been quite vocal about promoting the benefits they bring to employer and employee and ultimately the New Zealand public.
“If people want to gain the benefits of being part of the union, they should join the union.”