President of PSA re-elected for two more years
President of PSA re-elected for two more years
Current President of New Zealand’s largest union, the Public Service Association, Keith Gutsell was today re-elected for another two-year term.
“I am humbled to lead our union for another two years as we continue to build the union and deliver positive outcomes for members,” said PSA President Keith Gutsell.
“The last two years have been ones of major growth and success for the PSA with our membership increasing to over 55,000 members and significant gains in pay and annual leave through collective bargaining.”
“I look forward to serving for the next two years as PSA President. They will be important years as we work towards our third Partnership for Quality Agreement with the government and continue building strong workplace representation and decent work and workplaces for our members.”
Keith Gutsell is a Meat Inspector for State Owned Enterprise, Asure New Zealand based in Southland.
The PSA has members throughout New Zealand in local and central government, health and community services.