Kiwi Troops Boost Education in Afghanistan
Kiwi Troops Boost Education in Afghanistan

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The front of Bamyan Boys School. The two-storey school is one of the largest in Bamyan province.

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Group Captain Kevin Short (right) sits with Bamyan governor Habibi Sarabi (left) and her assistant at the opening of Bamyan Boys School.
New Zealand Defence
Te Ope Kaatua O Aotearoa
Media Release
20 December 2006
Kiwi Troops Boost Education in Afghanistan
Education in Afghanistan’s Bamyan province was given a boost earlier this month when Kiwi troops serving in the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team (NZ PRT) opened Bamyan Boys School.
New Zealand troops oversaw the school’s eight month long building process, helping with planning, organising contractors and the allocation of $500,000 worth of funds provided by the New Zealand Agency for International Development.
The 16-classroom school is one of the largest in the province, catering for 300 boys from Years 1 to 12.
During his opening ceremony address New Zealand contingent commander Group Captain Kevin Short said completing the school before the Afghan winter reached its peak was a major achievement.
“This boys’ school is a success on many levels. It is unique in the province as a two storey building and is a very visible and tangible example of progress towards a positive future for the people of Bamyan.
”The future is your children. Their education is key to your success as a country,” he said.
Bamyan provincial Governor Habibi Sarabi said the school was yet another example of the great work done by the NZ PRT in the province.
Since assuming responsibility for the Bamyan provincial reconstruction team in September 2003, New Zealand troops have facilitated the construction of five police stations, a maternity ward at Bamyan Hospital and a number of new bridges.
The NZ PRT has also helped in the construction of new local government infrastructure, wells for local villagers and the purchase of new equipment for Bamyan’s medical services and police.
All of these initiatives contribute to the reconstruction team’s role of ensuring security in Bamyan province, nation building and helping to distribute aid and improve infrastructure.