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US Petroleum Data For The Week Ending February 7

Weekly Petroleum Data For The Week Ending February 7

Summary of Weekly Petroleum Data for the Week Ending February 7, 2003

U.S. crude oil refinery inputs averaged 14.0 million barrels per day during the week ending February, the first week it has increased since the week ending January 10. Even though the increase in crude oil refinery inputs was only 0.1 million barrels per day, there was a large increase in refinery production of motor gasoline, while distillate fuel refinery production declined.

U.S. crude oil imports (including imports going into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) averaged 7.2 million barrels per day last week, a decline of nearly 1.2 million barrels per day from the previous week, and the lowest weekly average since the week ending January 28, 2000. Crude oil imports have averaged 8.25 million barrels per day over the last four weeks, or about 400,000 barrels per day less than averaged during the same four-week period last year. Although the origins of weekly crude oil imports are very preliminary and thus not published, it appears that some crude oil from Venezuela continues to arrive into the United States. However, crude oil imports from Venezuela continue to be much lower than normal. Total motor gasoline imports (including both finished gasoline and gasoline blending components) averaged 900,000 barrels per day last week, while distillate fuel imports averaged 500,000 barrels per day.

U.S. commercial crude oil inventories (excluding those in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) dropped by 4.5 million barrels, and are 51.9 million barrels below the level last year at this time. At 269.8 million barrels, they are almost exactly at the Lower Operational Inventory level, and the lowest since October 1975. Meanwhile, distillate fuel inventories fell by 3.9 million barrels, with most of the drop in low-sulfur distillate fuel (diesel fuel). Motor gasoline inventories rose by 3.0 million barrels last week and are now slightly above the low end of the normal range. Total commercial petroleum inventories, at 912.4 million barrels, are below the lower end of the normal range.

Total product supplied over the last four-week period averaged 20.1 million barrels per day, or about 4.4 percent more than the same period last year. Over the last four weeks, motor gasoline demand is up 3.1 percent, and distillate fuel demand is up 14.5 percent compared to the same period last year. Kerosene- type jet fuel demand is 2.2 percent less than last year over the latest four- week period.

The tables that follow display the latest U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet and the most recent 4 weeks of Weekly Petroleum Status Report data.

Table 1. U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet, 4 Weeks Ending 02/07/03

:::::::::::::::::::::::: Cumulative
::::::::::::Four Week Averages::::::Daily Averages
Petroleum Supply::::::::::::::::::%:::----------------:::%
(Thousand Barrels per Day):::02/07/03 02/07/02:::Chg:::2003:::2002:::Chg


Crude Oil Supply
Domestic Production (1) ::: E5,776:::5,935:::-2.7
Net Imports (Incl SPR) (2) ::::::8,240:::8,636:::-4.6
Gross Imports (Excl SPR) ::::::8,250:::8,607:::-4.1
SPR Imports :::::::::::0:::39:::--
Exports :::::::::::::E10:::10:::0.0
SPR Stocks W/D or Added ::::::0:::-152:::--
Other Stocks W/D or Added ::::::87:::-261:::--
Product Supplied and Losses ::::::E0::: 0:::--
Unaccounted-for Crude Oil (3)::::::60:::257:::--

Crude Oil Input to Refineries::: 14,162:::14,415:::-1.8

Other Supply
Natural Gas Liquids Prod. (6)::: E2,157:::2,093:::3.1 Cumulative daily
Other Liquids New Supply ::::::E165:::134:::23.1 averages will be shown
Crude Oil Product Supplied ::::::E0::: 0:::0.0 beginning with the week
Processing Gain :::::::::::E898:::944:::-4.9 ending April 4, 2003,
Net Product Imports (4) ::::::1,405:::1,278:::9.9 issue when Petroleum
Gross Product Imports (4) ::::::2,320:::2,185:::6.2 Supply Monthly data for
Product Exports (4) ::::::::E915:::908:::0.8 January 2003 become
Prod Stocks W/D or Added (5)(11):::1,303:::373:::-- available.

Tot Prod Supplied for Domestic:: 20,089:::19,235:::4.4

Products Supplied
Finished Motor Gasoline (6) ::::::8,524:::8,270:::3.1
Naphtha-Type Jet Fuel ::::::::0:::-3 -100.0
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel ::::::1,542:::1,576:::-2.2
Distillate Fuel Oil ::::::::4,400:::3,842:::14.5
Residual Fuel Oil ::::::::::803:::636:::26.3
Other Oils (7) :::::::::::4,822:::4,914:::-1.9

Total Products Supplied ::: 20,089:::19,235:::4.4

Total Net Imports ::::::::::9,645:::9,914:::-2.7


Petroleum Stocks::::::::::::::::::::::::Percent Chg from
(Million Barrels):::::::::02/07/03:::01/31/03:::02/07/02:::Prev Wk:::Yr Ago

Crude Oil (Excluding SPR) (8) :::::269.8:::274.3:::321.7:::-1.6:::-16.1
Total Motor Gasoline ::::::::212.6:::209.6:::221.2:::1.4:::-3.9
Reformulated :::::::::::37.6:::35.4:::45.9:::6.2:::-18.1
Oxygenated :::::::::::0.4::: 0.4::: 0.4:::0.0:::0.0
Other Finished ::::::::::120.8:::119.9:::122.8:::0.8:::-1.6
Blending Components ::::::53.9:::53.9:::52.0:::0.0:::3.7
Naphtha-Type Jet Fuel ::::::::0.0::: 0.0::: 0.1:::0.0:::-100.0
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel ::::::40.5:::40.9:::41.2:::-1.0:::-1.7
Distillate Fuel Oil (11)::::::108.2:::112.1:::136.1:::-3.5:::-20.5
0.05% Sulfur and under ::::::66.1:::69.6:::80.1:::-5.0:::-17.5
Greater than 0.05% Sulfur ::::::42.1:::42.5:::56.0:::-0.9:::-24.8
Residual Fuel Oil ::::::::::30.6:::31.1:::41.1:::-1.6:::-25.5
Unfinished Oils :::::::::::81.0:::79.2:::91.0:::2.3:::-11.0
Other Oils (9) :::::::::::E169.6:::E171.4:::180.5:::-1.1:::-6.0

Total Stocks (Excluding SPR)(11):::912.4:::918.6:::1,032.8:::-0.7:::-11.7
Crude Oil in SPR (10)::::::::599.2:::599.2:::555.7:::0.0:::7.8
Total Stocks (Including SPR)(11) 1,511.6:::1,517.8:::1,588.5:::-0.4:::-4.8


E = Estimate based on data published for the most recent month in the "Petroleum Supply Monthly," except for exports,crude oil production and other oil stocks.

Weekly estimates of exports are forecast using an autoregressive integrated moving average procedure. The most recent 5 years of data are used to obtain the forecasts. Crude oil production estimates are based on historical production patterns. Cumulative crude oil production values shown in the U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet include revised estimates published in the "Petroleum Supply Monthly". Other oils stocks data are derived by (1) computing an average daily rate of stock change for the minor products for each month based on monthly data for the past 6 years; (2) using this daily rate and the minor stock levels from the most recent monthly publication to estimate the minor product stock level for the current period. Year ago data are interpolated from published monthly stock levels.

1:::Includes lease condensate.

2:::Net Imports = Gross Imports + Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Imports::::::- Exports

3:::Unaccounted-for crude oil is a balancing item which is used to balance data (or estimates) about supply with data (or estimates) about disposition.

4:::Includes finished petroleum products, unfinished oils, gasoline blending components, and natural gas plant liquids.

5:::Includes an estimate of minor product stock change based on monthly data

6:::Includes field production of fuel ethanol and an adjustment for motor gasoline blending components.

7:::Includes crude oil product supplied, natural gas liquids, liquefied refinery gases (LRGs), other liquids, and all finished petroleum products except motor gasoline, jet fuels, and distillate and residual fuel oils.

8:::Includes domestic and Customs-cleared foreign crude oil in transit to refineries.

9:::Included are stocks of all other oils such as aviation gasoline, kerosene, natural gas liquids and LRGs, other hydrocarbons and oxygenates, aviation gasoline blending components, naphtha and other oils for petrochemical feedstock use, special naphthas, lube oils, waxes, coke, asphalt, road oil, and miscellaneous oils.

10:::Crude oil stocks in the SPR include Non-US stocks held under foreign or commercial storage agreements.

11:::Distillate fuel oil stocks located in "Northeast Heating Oil Reserve" are not included. For details see Appendix D, page 53, in the WPSR.

Note: Due to independent rounding, individual product detail may not add to total.

Sources: -- Current Year Monthly Data::::EIA, "Petroleum Supply Monthly"
:::and "Petroleum Supply Weekly".
-- Previous Year Data: EIA, "Petroleum Supply Annual".

:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Domestic Production:::::::::::E5,702:::E5,739:::E5,764:::E5,899
Domestic Production 4-WK AVG::::::::E5,733:::E5,730:::E5,733:::E5,776


Crude Oil Inputs:::::::::::::14,637:::14,191:::13,848:::13,973
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 1:::::::::::1,415:::1,536:::1,484:::1,590
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 2:::::::::::3,245:::3,077:::2,858:::3,050
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 3:::::::::::6,875:::6,554:::6,662:::6,529
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 4:::::::::::528::: 528::: 514::: 510
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 5:::::::::::2,574:::2,496:::2,330:::2,294
Crude Oil Inputs 4-WK AVG:::::::::::14,879:::14,686:::14,428:::14,162
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::1,528:::1,511:::1,490:::1,506
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::3,211:::3,196:::3,121:::3,058
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::7,047:::6,895:::6,793:::6,655
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::524::: 532::: 525::: 520
Crude Oil Inputs PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::2,570:::2,552:::2,500:::2,424
Gross Inputs::::::::::::::::14,780:::14,311:::14,038:::14,156
Gross Inputs PADD 1:::::::::::1,422:::1,537:::1,503:::1,606
Gross Inputs PADD 2:::::::::::3,290:::3,118:::2,905:::3,087
Gross Inputs PADD 3:::::::::::6,856:::6,548:::6,669:::6,537
Gross Inputs PADD 4:::::::::::529::: 523::: 516::: 511
Gross Inputs PADD 5:::::::::::2,683:::2,585:::2,445:::2,415
Gross Inputs 4-WK AVG:::::::::::14,999:::14,802:::14,570:::14,321
Gross Inputs PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::::1,543:::1,520:::1,499:::1,517
Gross Inputs PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::::3,235:::3,225:::3,159:::3,100
Gross Inputs PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::::7,032:::6,880:::6,783:::6,653
Gross Inputs PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::::520::: 526::: 526::: 520
Gross Inputs PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::::2,669:::2,652:::2,604:::2,532
Operable Capacity (MBD):::::::::::16.8:::16.8:::16.8:::16.8
Operable Capacity (MBD) 4-WK AVG::::::16.8:::16.8:::16.8:::16.8
Percent Utilization:::::::::::88.0:::85.2:::83.6:::84.3
Percent Utilization 4-WK AVG::::::::89.3:::88.1:::86.8:::85.3
Operating Capacity (MBD):::::::::::16.4:::16.4:::16.4:::16.4
Operating Capacity (MBD) 4-WK AVG::::::16.4:::16.4:::16.4:::16.4
Percent Utilization:::::::::::90.0:::87.2:::85.8:::86.5
Percent Utilization 4-WK AVG::::::::91.5:::90.2:::88.8:::87.4


Finished MOGAS:::::::::::::::8,093:::7,972:::7,521:::8,161
Finished MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::1,136:::1,001:::1,044:::1,229
Finished MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::1,941:::1,901:::1,835:::1,933
Finished MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::3,305:::3,369:::3,057:::3,382
Finished MOGAS PADD 4:::::::::::287::: 271::: 278::: 281
Finished MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::1,424:::1,430:::1,307:::1,336
Finished MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::::::::8,485:::8,279:::8,010:::7,937
Finished MOGAS PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::::1,169:::1,109:::1,072:::1,103
Finished MOGAS PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::::1,994:::1,963:::1,929:::1,903
Finished MOGAS PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::::3,585:::3,484:::3,340:::3,278
Finished MOGAS PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::::283::: 282::: 279::: 279
Finished MOGAS PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::::1,455:::1,442:::1,391:::1,374.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Reformulated MOGAS:::::::::::::2,707:::2,692:::2,324:::2,645
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::750::: 670::: 574::: 731
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::363::: 357::: 320::: 317
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::576::: 668::: 475::: 628
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 4::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::1,018::: 997::: 955::: 969
Reformulated MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::. 2,779:::2,735:::2,602:::2,592
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::770::: 745::: 681::: 681
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::323::: 323::: 338::: 339
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::639::: 641::: 595::: 587
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 4 4-WK AVG:::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::1,047:::1,026::: 990::: 985
Oxygenated MOGAS:::::::::::::973:::1,018:::1,226:::1,222
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::78::::::83::: 102::: 102
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::592::: 613::: 805::: 804
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::71::::::92::::::78::::::82
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 4:::::::::::76::::::74::::::68::::::71
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::155::: 155::: 173::: 163
Oxygenated MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::::::::1,021:::1,024:::1,062:::1,110
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::80::::::78::::::84::::::91
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::659::: 637::: 671::: 704
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::60::::::73::::::77::::::81
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::72::::::77::::::71::::::72
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::150::: 159::: 158::: 162
Other Finished MOGAS:::::::::::4,413:::4,262:::3,971:::4,294
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 1:::::. 308::: 248::: 368::: 396
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 2:::::. 986::: 931::: 710::: 812
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 3:::::. 2,658:::2,609:::2,504:::2,672
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 4:::::. 211::: 197::: 210::: 210
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 5:::::. 251::: 278::: 179::: 204
Other Finished MOGAS 4-WK AVG::::::::4,686:::4,520:::4,346:::4,235
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::320::: 286::: 307::: 330
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::1,012:::1,003::: 920::: 860
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::2,886:::2,770:::2,668:::2,611
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::211::: 205::: 208::: 207
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::258::: 258::: 243::: 228
Jet Fuel::::::::::::::::1,522:::1,562:::1,360:::1,418
Jet Fuel 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::1,520:::1,515:::1,494:::1,466
Naphtha-Type:::::::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Naphtha-Type 4-WK AVG::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Kerosene-Type PADD 1:::::::::::91::::::87::::::82::: 106
Kerosene-Type PADD 2:::::::::::225::: 228::: 190::: 201
Kerosene-Type PADD 3:::::::::::748::: 795::: 681::: 719
Kerosene-Type PADD 4:::::::::::39::::::31::::::25::::::27
Kerosene-Type PADD 5:::::::::::419::: 421::: 382::: 365
Kerosene-Type 4-WK AVG:::::::::::1,520:::1,515:::1,494:::1,466
Kerosene-Type PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::::81::::::86::::::89::::::92
Kerosene-Type PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::::198::: 208::: 213::: 211
Kerosene-Type PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::::788::: 773::: 750::: 736
Kerosene-Type PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::::30::::::31::::::33::::::31
Kerosene-Type PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::::424::: 416::: 410::: 397.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Commercial Jet Fuel:::::::::::1,390:::1,371:::1,205:::1,273
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 1::::::::::90::::::87::::::82::: 106
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 2::::::::::215::: 212::: 179::: 191
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 3::::::::::667::: 674::: 611::: 632
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 4::::::::::35::::::24::::::23::::::19
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 5::::::::::383::: 374::: 310::: 325
Commercial Jet Fuel 4-WK AVG::::::::1,381:::1,364:::1,334:::1,310
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::80::::::86::::::89::::::91
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::190::: 199::: 202::: 199
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::689::: 668::: 649::: 646
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::25::::::26::::::27::::::25
Commercial Jet Fuel PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::397::: 385::: 368::: 348
Military Jet Fuel:::::::::::::132::: 191::: 155::: 145
Military Jet Fuel PADD 1::::::::::: 1::::::0::::::0::::::0
Military Jet Fuel PADD 2:::::::::::10::::::16::::::11::::::10
Military Jet Fuel PADD 3:::::::::::81::: 121::::::70::::::87
Military Jet Fuel PADD 4::::::::::: 4::::::7::::::2::::::8
Military Jet Fuel PADD 5:::::::::::36::::::47::::::72::::::40
Military Jet Fuel 4-WK AVG::::::::::140::: 152::: 160::: 156
Military Jet Fuel PADD 1 4-WK AVG:::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Military Jet Fuel PADD 2 4-WK AVG:::::: 9::::::10::::::11::::::12
Military Jet Fuel PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::99::: 105::: 101::::::90
Military Jet Fuel PADD 4 4-WK AVG:::::: 5::::::6::::::6::::::5
Military Jet Fuel PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::27::::::31::::::42::::::49
Distillate Fuel Oil:::::::::::3,495:::3,181:::3,319:::3,199
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1::::::::::356::: 389::: 454::: 412
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 2::::::::::805::: 744::: 783::: 791
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 3::::::::::1,666:::1,450:::1,458:::1,453
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 4::::::::::145::: 149::: 137::: 132
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 5::::::::::523::: 449::: 487::: 411
Distillate Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::3,759:::3,580:::3,445:::3,299
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::481::: 436::: 420::: 403
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::833::: 811::: 801::: 781
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::1,776:::1,687:::1,589:::1,507
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::156::: 154::: 146::: 141
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::512::: 492::: 490::: 468
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur::::::::::2,513:::2,164:::2,214:::2,167
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 1::::::154::::::89::: 113::: 131
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 2::::::622::: 624::: 617::: 608
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 3::::::1,191::: 975::: 992::: 988
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 4::::::122::: 127::: 115::: 106
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 5::::::424::: 349::: 377::: 334
Distillate <= 0.05% 4-WK AVG::::::::2,665:::2,516:::2,404:::2,265
Distillate <= 0.05% PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::190::: 159::: 138::: 122
Distillate <= 0.05% PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::665::: 651::: 641::: 618
Distillate <= 0.05% PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::1,269:::1,182:::1,109:::1,037
Distillate <= 0.05% PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::131::: 130::: 124::: 118
Distillate <= 0.05% PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::410::: 395::: 392::: 371.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur::::::::::982:::1,017:::1,105:::1,032
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 1::::::202::: 300::: 341::: 281
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 2::::::183::: 120::: 166::: 183
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 3::::::475::: 475::: 466::: 465
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 4::::::23::::::22::::::22::::::26
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 5::::::99::: 100::: 110::::::77
Distillate >:::0.05% 4-WK AVG::::::::1,094:::1,064:::1,042:::1,034
Distillate >:::0.05% PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::291::: 277::: 282::: 281
Distillate >:::0.05% PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::168::: 161::: 160::: 163
Distillate >:::0.05% PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::508::: 505::: 480::: 470
Distillate >:::0.05% PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::25::::::25::::::22::::::23
Distillate >:::0.05% PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::103::::::97::::::98::::::97
Residual Fuel Oil:::::::::::::662::: 624::: 613::: 661
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1:::::::::::153::: 117::: 131::: 130
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 2:::::::::::56::::::44::::::57::::::55
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 3:::::::::::267::: 294::: 298::: 315
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 4::::::::::: 9::::::14::::::12::::::10
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 5:::::::::::177::: 155::: 115::: 151
Residual Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::::597::: 610::: 627::: 640
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::133::: 127::: 134::: 133
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::58::::::57::::::53::::::53
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::252::: 263::: 278::: 294
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::10::::::11::::::11::::::11
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::143::: 152::: 152::: 150


Crude Oil::::::::::::::::273.8:::273.3:::274.3:::269.8
Crude Oil PADD 1:::::::::::::10.8:::12.3:::12.9:::13.6
Crude Oil PADD 2:::::::::::::56.1:::53.6:::54.5:::52.5
Crude Oil PADD 3:::::::::::::144.3:::144.3:::142.8:::138.0
Crude Oil PADD 4:::::::::::::12.8:::12.7:::12.5:::12.2
Crude Oil PADD 5:::::::::::::49.8:::50.5:::51.6:::53.6
SPR (1)::::::::::::::::599.3:::599.2:::599.2:::599.2
Total MOGAS::::::::::::::::216.3:::213.0:::209.6:::212.6
Total MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::::58.9:::59.3:::58.7:::59.7
Total MOGAS PADD 1X:::::::::::4.4::: 4.7::: 4.1::: 4.1
Total MOGAS PADD 1Y:::::::::::32.6:::30.8:::30.7:::31.9
Total MOGAS PADD 1Z:::::::::::21.9:::23.9:::23.9:::23.6
Total MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::::52.5:::52.6:::50.7:::51.6
Total MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::::64.9:::61.8:::60.7:::61.2
Total MOGAS PADD 4:::::::::::::7.9::: 8.0::: 8.0::: 8.2
Total MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::::32.1:::31.3:::31.5:::32.0
Finished MOGAS:::::::::::::::164.6:::160.9:::155.7:::158.7
Reformulated MOGAS:::::::::::::41.0:::39.6:::35.4:::37.6
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::20.1:::20.7:::18.4:::19.8
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::0.7::: 0.7::: 0.7::: 0.7
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::9.7::: 8.8::: 8.2::: 9.2
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 4:::::::::::0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0
Reformulated MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::10.5::: 9.4::: 8.1::: 7.8.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Oxygenated MOGAS:::::::::::::0.3::: 0.3::: 0.4::: 0.4
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 1:::::::::::0.1::: 0.1::: 0.1::: 0.1
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 2:::::::::::0.1::: 0.1::: 0.2::: 0.2
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 3:::::::::::0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 4:::::::::::0.2::: 0.1::: 0.1::: 0.1
Oxygenated MOGAS PADD 5:::::::::::0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0
Other Finished MOGAS:::::::::::123.2:::120.9:::119.9:::120.8
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 1:::::. 31.6:::30.5:::31.8:::30.9
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 2:::::. 40.3:::40.3:::38.8:::39.5
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 3:::::. 37.9:::37.2:::36.2:::36.1
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 4:::::. 5.5::: 5.2::: 5.7::: 5.9
Other Finished MOGAS PADD 5:::::. 8.0::: 7.9::: 7.5::: 8.4
Blending Components:::::::::::51.7:::52.1:::53.9:::53.9
Jet Fuel::::::::::::::::40.1:::40.4:::40.9:::40.5
Naphtha-Type::::::::::::::::0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0::: 0.0
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel PADD 1::::::::9.4::: 9.0::: 9.8::: 8.5
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel PADD 2::::::::7.6::: 8.1::: 7.5::: 7.9
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel PADD 3::::::::13.3:::13.0:::12.6:::13.2
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel PADD 4::::::::0.9::: 1.0::: 0.9::: 1.0
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel PADD 5::::::::8.9::: 9.2:::10.1::: 9.8
Distillate Fuel Oil (2):::::::::::129.2:::122.4:::112.1:::108.2
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1::::::::::50.6:::45.8:::39.6:::38.3
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1X:::::. 8.1::: 6.7::: 5.6::: 6.4
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1Y:::::. 29.3:::26.5:::23.2:::21.5
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 1Z:::::. 13.2:::12.7:::10.8:::10.3
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 2::::::::::32.1:::31.4:::30.0:::28.8
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 3::::::::::29.8:::28.6:::26.3:::25.2
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 4::::::::::3.9::: 3.9::: 3.8::: 3.6
Distillate Fuel Oil PADD 5::::::::::12.8:::12.6:::12.4:::12.4
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur::::::::::78.0:::74.5:::69.6:::66.1 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 1::::::20.5:::17.6:::15.5:::14.9 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 1X::::::2.2::: 2.0::: 1.7::: 1.6 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 1Y::::::9.2::: 8.7::: 7.3::: 6.4 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 1Z::::::9.1::: 7.0::: 6.5::: 6.9 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 2::::::24.3:::24.0:::23.3:::21.9 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 3::::::19.2:::19.2:::17.6:::16.5 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 4::::::3.3::: 3.3::: 3.3::: 3.1 Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur PADD 5::::::10.6:::10.3::: 9.9::: 9.7 Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur::::::::::51.3:::47.9:::42.5:::42.1
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 1::::::30.1:::28.2:::24.1:::23.4
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 1X::::::5.9::: 4.7::: 3.9::: 4.9
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 1Y::::::20.1:::17.8:::15.9:::15.1
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 1Z::::::4.1::: 5.7::: 4.4::: 3.5
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 2::::::7.8::: 7.4::: 6.7::: 6.9
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 3::::::10.6::: 9.4::: 8.6::: 8.6
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 4::::::0.6::: 0.6::: 0.5::: 0.5
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur PADD 5::::::2.2::: 2.4::: 2.5::: 2.7.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Residual Fuel Oil:::::::::::::29.6:::31.2:::31.1:::30.6
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1:::::::::::10.7:::12.2:::11.3:::11.2
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1X:::::::::::1.0::: 0.9::: 0.7::: 0.8
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1Y:::::::::::8.0::: 8.5::: 8.5::: 8.1
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 1Z:::::::::::1.8::: 2.8::: 2.1::: 2.3
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 2:::::::::::2.2::: 2.0::: 2.0::: 1.8
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 3:::::::::::10.7:::11.3:::12.0:::12.5
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 4:::::::::::0.3::: 0.3::: 0.3::: 0.3
Residual Fuel Oil PADD 5:::::::::::5.7::: 5.3::: 5.4::: 4.8
Unfinished Oils::::::::::. 76.3:::79.0:::79.2:::81.0
Other Oils::::::::::::::::E179.8:::E176.1:::E171.4:::E169.6
Total Stocks Excl SPR (2):::::::::::945.1:::935.4:::918.6:::912.4
Total Stocks Incl SPR (2):::::::: 1,544.4:::1,534.7:::1,517.8:::1,511.6


Total Crude Oil Incl SPR:::::::::::8,745:::8,678:::8,379:::7,197
Total Crude Oil Incl SPR 4-WK AVG::::::8,289:::8,550:::8,573:::8,250
Crude Oil Excl SPR:::::::::::::8,745:::8,678:::8,379:::7,197
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 1:::::::::::1,726:::1,785:::1,455:::1,528
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 2:::::::::::1,014::: 700:::1,059::: 636
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 3:::::::::::4,998:::5,420:::4,708:::4,010
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 4:::::::::::288::: 314::: 282::: 289
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 5:::::::::::719::: 459::: 875::: 734
Crude Oil Excl SPR 4-WK AVG:::::. 8,289:::8,550:::8,573:::8,250
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 1 4-WK AVG::::::1,539:::1,603:::1,620:::1,624
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 2 4-WK AVG::::::817::: 817::: 871::: 852
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 3 4-WK AVG::::::5,062:::5,269:::5,145:::4,784
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 4 4-WK AVG::::::275::: 281::: 295::: 293
Crude Oil Excl SPR PADD 5 4-WK AVG::::::596::: 581::: 643::: 697
SPR:::::::::::::::. 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
SPR 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Total MOGAS::::::::::::::::820::: 621::: 711::: 872
Total MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::::::::729::: 737::: 730::: 756
Reformulated MOGAS:::::::::::::195::: 225::: 258::: 171
Reformulated MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::. 163::: 189::: 208::: 212
Oxygenated MOGAS::::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Oxygenated MOGAS 4-WK AVG::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Other Finished MOGAS:::::::::::290::: 193::: 150::: 394
Other Finished MOGAS 4-WK AVG::::::::317::: 330::: 264::: 257
Blending Components:::::::::::335::: 203::: 303::: 307
Blending Components 4-WK AVG::::::::249::: 219::: 259::: 287
Jet Fuel::::::::::::::::224::::::75::: 111::::::82
Jet Fuel 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::154::: 152::: 131::: 123
Naphtha-Type:::::::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Naphtha-Type 4-WK AVG::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Kerosene-Type::::::::::::::::224::::::75::: 111::::::82
Kerosene-Type 4-WK AVG:::::::::::154::: 152::: 131::: 123
Distillate Fuel Oil:::::::::::231::: 475::: 269::: 490
Distillate Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::383::: 377::: 345::: 366
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur::::::::::74::::::80::::::77::: 170
Distillate <= 0.05% Sulfur 4-WK AVG::::::95::::::83::::::80::: 100.
:::::::::::::::::::::AUTOMATED DATALOG



Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur::::::::::157::: 395::: 192::: 320
Distillate >:::0.05% Sulfur 4-WK AVG::::::288::: 295::: 265::: 266
Residual Fuel Oil:::::::::::::267::: 360::: 144::: 189
Residual Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::::243::: 281::: 249::: 240
Other::::::::::::::::::554:::1,002::: 836::: 947
Other 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::::792::: 832::: 873::: 835
Total Products Imports:::::::::::2,096:::2,533:::2,071:::2,580
Total Products Imports 4-WK AVG::::::2,300:::2,379:::2,327:::2,320
Gross Imports (Incl SPR):::::::::::10,841:::11,211:::10,450:::9,777
Gross Imports (Incl SPR) 4-WK AVG::::::10,589:::10,930:::10,900:::10,570
Net Imports (Incl SPR):::::::::::9,885:::10,255:::9,564:::8,874
Net Imports (Incl SPR) 4-WK AVG::::::9,616:::9,974:::9,961:::9,645


Total 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::::E973:::E956:::E939:::E925
Crude Oil::::::::::::::::E10::: E10::: E10::: E10
Crude Oil 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::E10::: E10::: E10::: E10
Products 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::E963:::E946:::E929:::E915

Finished MOGAS:::::::::::::::8,645:::8,793:::8,551:::8,106
Finished MOGAS 4-WK AVG:::::::::::8,595:::8,546:::8,581:::8,524
Jet Fuel::::::::::::::::1,681:::1,582:::1,368:::1,536
Jet Fuel 4-WK AVG:::::::::::::1,670:::1,661:::1,591:::1,542
Naphtha-Type:::::::::::::::: 0::::::1::::::0::::::0
Naphtha-Type 4-WK AVG::::::::::: 0::::::0::::::0::::::0
Kerosene-Type 4-WK AVG:::::::::::1,670:::1,660:::1,590:::1,542
Distillate Fuel Oil:::::::::::4,022:::4,495:::4,926:::4,155
Distillate Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::3,844:::3,975:::4,282:::4,400
Residual Fuel Oil:::::::::::::1,023::: 607::: 719::: 862
Residual Fuel Oil 4-WK AVG::::::::::821::: 774::: 736::: 803
Other Oils::::::::::::::::4,734:::4,805:::5,256:::4,491
Other Oils 4-WK AVG:::::::::::4,966:::4,902:::4,928:::4,822
Total Products Supplied:::::::::::20,105:::20,281:::20,819:::19,151
Total Products Supplied 4-WK AVG::::::19,896:::19,857:::20,117:::20,089

1 Crude oil stocks in the SPR include non-U.S. stocks held under foreign or commercial storage agreements.

2 Distillate fuel oil stocks located in the "Northeast Heating Oil Reserve" are not included. For details see Appendix D, page 53, in the WPSR.

E = Estimated Data

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