Upgrade For Philips Aquatic Centre Hydroslide
The popular Hydroslide at the Philips Aquatic Centre, Mt Albert is to be extended and upgraded.
Auckland City Council's Finance and Property Committee has agreed to provide $60,000 for the project.
Finance Committee Chairperson, Councillor Kay McKelvie says there have been some issues concerning the safety of the slide and the Council wants to see these issues addressed.
"The Hydroslide is one of the main attractions at the complex, particularly for the 10 - 14 year olds but presently it is quite short and includes a sudden drop. We are told this makes the ride more exciting, but there have been a number of accidents and rather than see the slide closed Council will assist with an upgrade," said Councillor McKelvie.
Although a number of safety measures have already been introduced including increased surveillance by pool staff, erection of warning signs, lights and recordings and monitoring by staff of the age of riders and the correct riding position, there are still concerns about the existing design causing further accidents.
Councillor McKelvie says the redesigned slide will be 15 metres longer, will make it safer and add to the attraction of the pool.
"The pool has proved to be very popular since it opened, attracting over 300, 000 users each year," she said.
The current pool development includes a 25 metre training pool with a movable floor at one end and a leisure pool, which has a wave machine, spa pools, sauna and other water features as well as the Hydroslide.
With the money available from the Council, the redesign work can be undertaken as part of the planned maintenance and shutdown in December 2000.
For further information please
Councillor Kay McKelvie, telephone 09 846 7076
or 025 279