Get off track in East Harbour Regional Park
Get off track in East Harbour Regional Park
Greater Wellington is making it easy for people to get off the beaten track this summer in East Harbour Regional Park.
The park includes the forested hills between Eastbourne and Wainuiomata. Butterfly Creek is the most well-known spot within this area.
Park ranger Gareth Cooper says, “Greater Wellington’s Regional Outdoors programme features five events in East Harbour, including a guided tramp in an off-track area. This gives people a chance to get to places they wouldn’t normally see on a casual trip.”
Some of the trips have a small charge to cover bus transport. They are all guided by Greater Wellington rangers or experienced volunteers.
Regular visitors to East Harbour will notice improvements to the tracks and structures in recent months. Map boards and directional signs have been erected, vegetation has been cut back on the main tracks, some tracks have been resurfaced and some new bridges and boardwalks have been installed.
“It’s a very accessible regional park and we hope the events in Regional Outdoors will open it up to more visitors,” Gareth says.
The events in East Harbour this summer are: Sunday, 9 January, 10-2pm, Gollan’s Valley Adventure (a guided tramp; $7 charge includes bus transport) Saturday, 22 January, 10.30am-2pm, Beech and the Bays (a medium grade guided walk - $7 charge includes bus transport) Saturday, 5 February, 10am-3pm, Butterfly Creek Heritage Trail (a guided bush walk led by the Eastbourne Forest Rangers - free) Saturday, 12 March, 10am-2pm, Lighthouse and Lakes (a bus trip with short walks - $12 charge includes bus transport) Saturday 19 March 10am-3pm, Invaders of Butterfly Creek (a guided bush walk led by MIRO – free)
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