Alternative funding mechanisms For Water Charges
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alternative funding mechanisms for council activities
advance Environment Canterbury councillors today agreed to
advance planning for a uniform annual general charge (UAGC)
and to investigate ways of charging water users for water
management. However, the earliest these two mechanisms could
be considered for implementation would be July 2008. Most
district councils and many regional councils already operate
a UAGC system, recognizing that the cost of running the
democratic process segment of council activities should be
evenly shared amongst ratepayers regardless of the value of
the property they own. With regards to water charging,
ECan spends around $15 million annually on water management
and 80% of this is recovered through general rates, not the
large users of water, whether they are district council
urban water suppliers or large irrigators. Hence a targeted
rate for water users would be an alternative or substitute
funding stream. The recommendations agreed to are: With regards to water
charging the recommendations are: Ends
uniform annual general charges, that principles and policy
be reviewed and clarified including further components of
expenditure relevant for inclusion in any UAGC; that further
funding strategies for a UAGC be developed and examined;
that associated administrative constraints and costs are
identified along with requirements for achieving
implementation in the 2008/09 year; that a consultation
strategy be prepared and that the council proceeds with
public consultation on the UAGC during 2007 to consider for
implementation on July 1, 2008.
Principles and policy
relating to charging for water management will be reviewed
and clarified including further analysis of components of
rating principles and sustainable management policy;
further funding strategies for water management charging
will be developed, particularly but not limited to targeted
rates for water consent holders; costs and constraints of
associated administration will be identified and
requirements for implementation for the 2008/09 year; a
consultation strategy for Council consideration will be
prepared and public consultation on charging for water
management will proceed during 2007, for consideration for
implementation on July 1,