Bridge work to close local road
NZ Transport Agency – Auckland Regional Office
18 December 2009
Bridge work to close local road
Deck segments for the new Mangere Bridge will be installed over Onehunga Harbour Road in January and February 2010, closing the road for several hours over 30 nights.
The segments at this point will form the connection between the bridge itself and the motorway.
The NZ Transport Agency’s Regional Director for Auckland and Northland, Wayne McDonald, says the start of work will signal the end is in sight for construction of the 640-metre bridge.
The new Mangere Bridge will duplicate the existing motorway bridge across the harbour between Onehunga and Mangere Bridge.
“It will double the capacity of State Highway 20 for people and goods on this vital route to and from Auckland Airport.”
It is due to be completed in time for the 2011 Rugby World Cup but is currently edging ahead of schedule.
Mr McDonald says each of the deck segments being erected at the Onehunga end of the bridge has been pre-cast at the Manukau Harbour Crossing’s construction yard at the southern end of the bridge.
“For safety reasons the installation is being done at night, with Onehunga Harbour Road closed to traffic.”
The work will take approximately 30 nights spread over six weeks. During this time Onehunga Harbour Road will be closed between 11pm and 5am on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The closures will affect mainly traffic travelling northward to or from Onehunga. Detours will be in place.
Special arrangements are being made to ensure access is maintained to and from the western end of Onehunga Harbour Road, including the Onehunga Port.
The work is expected to start on Monday 18 January.