Colmar Brunton results: Mayors seek referendum
8 August 2012
Colmar Brunton results: Mayors seek referendum
A number of Wellington’s Mayors believe the debate over regional local-government reform is quickly distilling down to two possible options – an enhanced shared services model with no change in council boundaries - or significant amalgamation.
And they are pushing for a region-wide referendum to allow local people to have their say – and to give councils and the government a clear indication of the region’s wishes.
Mayors have now received the Colmar Brunton results and it appears, given the wide divergence of views across the region, a clear choice of two options have to be put to the public.
Results from
the Colmar Brunton phone survey of 3300 residents across the
region show that:
• A strong majority of 58% of
all respondents want no changes to current local council
• 32% do want changed boundaries in
some form
• 10% are undecided
• Less
than 10% of residents in the Wairarapa want to be part of a
region-wide ‘super city’, but there is strong support
for an amalgamated Wairarapa council
The survey
results show that of those who support some kind of boundary
change, most want three separate councils (option
- one to cover Wellington, Porirua
and, possibly, Kāpiti Coast
- the second to cover
a unified Hutt Valley
- the third, an amalgamated
The exception to this trend was among Wellington City and Kāpiti respondents. In Wellington, the biggest preference was for two large councils – one serving the whole Wellington metropolitan area (Wellington, Porirua, Hutt City, Upper Hutt and, possibly, the Kāpiti Coast), the other covering a unified Wairarapa. In Kāpiti, the ‘three councils’ option and the full amalgamation of all councils shared first-equal preference for change.
Wellington Mayor Wade-Brown says the Mayors and councils will work together over the next month to propose two options that acknowledge views across the region.
“My personal preference is for two options to be developed and put to the people of Wellington. One would be an enhanced shared services model, with existing boundaries on the west side of the Rimutaka range, and a united Wairarapa council.
“I would also like to investigate an option that looks at one or two larger councils on this side of the Rimutaka range. This option would need to be developed to take into account the issues raised in both submissions and the Colmar Brunton survey.
“We will work on a possible and practical change option over the next few weeks so residents across the region can decide between two clear options.”
Regional Mayoral Forum Chair and Upper Hutt Mayor Wayne Guppy says a referendum on two options would acknowledge that there is strong support for the status quo in parts of the region – especially the Hutt Valley.
“However we also recognise that there is a mood for change amongst part of our community – and those people also deserve the opportunity to vote on an option consistent with their views,” says Mayor Guppy.
Hutt City Mayor Ray Wallace also supports the referendum. Mayor Wallace says it will “acknowledge the strong desire of many people in the region to retain local representation”.
The Colmar Brunton survey was jointly funded by the Hutt, Upper Hutt, Wellington and Porirua city councils, and the Kāpiti Coast, Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa district councils.
For the Colmar Brunton survey, respondents were asked if they wanted existing local government arrangements to stay the same or change. Those that wanted to see changes chose from the following four options (or made up their own):
Option 1 - all existing councils remain the same – but share more services and work more closely together.
Option 2 - merge the
nine existing councils into three bigger councils:
Wellington Capital and Coast Council – combining
Wellington City, Porirua City and, possibly, Kāpiti Coast
• Hutt Valley Council
– combining Hutt and Upper Hutt cities
Wairarapa Council – combining the three councils in
the Wairarapa.
Greater Wellington Regional Council would
be abolished.
Option 3 - merge all
existing councils into two big councils:
Wellington Council – combining Wellington City,
Porirua, Hutt and Upper Hutt cities and, possibly, Kāpiti
Coast District
• Wairarapa
Council – combining the three councils in the
Again, the regional council would be
Option 4 - merge all existing councils into one council for the whole region, with 10 local boards elected to look after ‘local’ services.
Graphs outlining the results are attached. More detailed survey results are still being analysed by Colmar Brunton and are due to be reported next week.
Colmar Brunton Survey –
Headline Results
Number of Respondents:
Hutt 400
Upper Hutt 400
Porirua 400
Coast 500
Wellington 400
Carterton 400
South Wairarapa 400
TOTAL 3,300
Graph 1
Overall Result
(Combining status quo and those that want option one, which
is the same councils with more shared
Graph 2
Overall: Those who
want the status quo v those that want change (in this graph
‘change’ includes those that want option
Graph 3
Respondents in
Wellington, Porirua, Hutt, Upper Hutt and Kapiti that wanted
to make changes to the existing arrangements were asked
which option they preferred:
Graph 4
Respondents in the
Wairarapa that wanted to make changes to the existing
arrangements were also asked which option they preferred: