Voluntary Product Recall
21 November 2007
Voluntary Product Recall
Musashi, maker of P30 Water based Protein Drink in Strawberry, Orange and Blackcurrant with Carbs Flavours, 500ml bottle size, today announced that it is conducting a voluntary national recall of these products. All Best Before dates apply.
The recall is being conducted because these products contain an amount of milk product which is not clearly identified on the labels of the bottles. These products may constitute a health risk to consumers with an allergy or intolerance to milk.
Owen Nelson, Regional Business Head, Musashi, stressed that there are no quality issues associated with the products.
"This is a labelling issue," Mr Nelson said. "Consumers without an allergy or intolerance to milk can safely consume these products."
Mr Nelson added that no other Musashi products, including the popular Musashi P30 High Protein Flavoured Milk Drink, are impacted by this recall.
"Any consumer who has purchased these Water based Protein Drinks products, and who has a milk allergy or intolerance, should return them to the place where they were purchased for a full refund," he said. "We ask anyone with family and friends with a milk allergy or intolerance, who might have purchased this product, to contact them in case they are not aware of this recall."
Enquiries can be directed to 0800 687 274 between 8:30am and 5:00pm. Calls made outside those hours will be directed to an emergency number.
Mr Nelson said that Musashi sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused by this recall.