Cookie Time returns to win again
Cookie Time returns to win again

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media release 21 october 2008
Cookie Time returns to win again
After scooping three awards at the last National Food Awards for its revolutionary product 'One Square Meal', Cookie Time has returned to win again at the 2008 Massey Food Awards announced last night, winning the Bakery Products award for its new Smart Cookies.
Designed to meet the Heart Foundation Tick Criteria and the Ministry of Health’s Food and Beverage Classification System criteria for schools, the Smart Cookie impressed the judges by providing a healthier option for school children without compromising on great taste.
The biennial awards recognise the country’s most cutting-edge new food and drink products, championing innovation and excellence.
"This is a fantastic outcome - we're very pleased," Cookie Time's head of innovation, Jonathan Collins said. "Smart Cookies are a great product and the result of some smart thinking by our product development team."
The Food and Beverage Classification System (FBCS) was introduced in July this year to classify foods sold in NZ school tuck shops. As well as meeting the FBCS criteria for schools, Smart Cookies are also National Heart Foundation 'Pick the Tick' approved.
Smart Cookies are lower in saturated fat and salt than 'non-Tick' equivalents. While the technical attributes have impressed the Food Awards judging panel, the real success of Smart Cookie is defined by the appeal these healthier-option cookies have with children.