Buyers beware in Boxing Day sales stampede
Buyers beware in Boxing Day sales stampede
Thousands of shoppers come away from Boxing Day sales disappointed each year either because they did not understand the rules of purchase or were given the wrong information by a short-term, untrained sales consultant.
So says Managing Director of online sales training company, RedSeed Limited, Anya Anderson.
“Many people are in such a hurry to get a bargain that they fail to get the products that best suit their needs or they forget to read the fine print on sales contracts,” she says.
“Lots of shoppers think they are entitled to a refund if they decide later they don’t want the product, but this is only true if it is faulty. If they just change their minds or it was damaged after purchase, retailers are not required by law to offer refunds.”
This does not mean retailers will not have their own policies, which may allow refunds in other circumstances.
Ms Anderson says it is common for shoppers to come away from the Boxing Day sales unsatisfied with their purchases.
“This can be because they did not get enough information from a sales consultant to find exactly what they were looking for. A trained consultant will ask lots of questions to find this out, but many consultants over this period are employed short-term and are untrained,” she says.
“That means the buyer needs to be pro-active in asking their own questions, such as technical information about products, what other stock may be available and always, what the store’s refunds policy covers.”
Ms Anderson says it is vital to be patient during Boxing Day sales. “Even if you’re not getting the service you want, remember it is a stressful time for sales staff, and the quickest way to get out the door with the products you want is by staying calm,” she concludes.
RedSeed Limited operates throughout New Zealand from its base in Christchurch.