Letting staff work at home can be win-win
13 November, 2017
Letting staff work at home can be win-win for staff and bosses.
Flexible Workplaces Can Help Companies Cope With Changing Times
INSIGHTS ABOUT THE NEWS - Changes in policy and the labour market mean more employers are looking to flexible work practices so they can retain and entice employees.
As reported in trans-Tasman’s sister publication, The Main Report Business Alert, the new Govt is wasting no time putting its social agenda into action.
The extension of paid parental leave is one such move. Parental leave entitlements will rise to 22 weeks from July 1 next year, and then to 26 weeks from July 1, 2020.
Employers are already saying in a tight labour market it will make getting parental leave cover a lot tougher. The labour market could get even tighter if the Govt's migration brakes reduce the supply of new workers, while a healthier economic outlook in Australia could lure more across the Tasman.
A cost-effective way of making businesses more attractive to employees is more flexible working conditions. Flexitime is good way of making your workplace family-friendly and enticing for potential workers. Top CEOs agree it is the way forward.
In a world where there are critical time pressures for everyone, flexitime means staff are there when they are in the best possible state to do a decent day's work, and have the incentive of more time to enjoy family and other pursuits at a time they choose.
The Champions for Change business group of 56 NZ CEOs and chairpersons are leading the way by launching the Flexible Working Toolkit. It collates CEOs' insights in developing flexible workplaces to attract and retain top talent, increase productivity, and foster an agile response to changing market needs.
With over half of the NZ workforce already working flexibly or wanting to, a shift in leadership mindset and a plan to transition teams and employees to the "new normal" is critical to managing businesses of the future.
Spark chairman Mark Verbiest says new and constantly evolving technology, the 24-hour "open" global village, changing lifestyles, increased ethnic diversity, talent shortages and growth in female participation are all trends driving the need for workforce flexibility. Under existing workplace law, employees have the right to request flexible work arrangements and employers have an obligation to consider this.
Transpower CEO Alison Andrew says flexibility helps create diverse and inclusive workplaces and these businesses will be the most resilient and successful in the future.
The Flexible Working Toolkit is free to anyone looking for practical advice on how to develop a more flexible and inclusive workforce: flexibility.championsforchange.nz
Trans Tasman’s sister publication, The Main Report Business Alert, is a weekly source of new ideas, trends and forecast for executives wanting to supercharge their businesses and careers.