Name An Invitation To Other Meat And Fibre Groups
29 October 1999
New Zealand Meat and Fibre Producers' (formerly the Federated Farmers Meat and Wool Section) change of name is an invitation to other groups representing New Zealand producers of meat or fibre to investigate joining forces.
"New Zealand Meat and Fibre Producers want to provide the opportunity for other agricultural sector groups to join forces with us to build an even stronger lobby than we currently enjoy as individual organisations," said Chairman Chris Lester.
"It is vital that groups who share common interests with NZMFP have the opportunity to contribute their energy and influence without losing their individual identities. We are hopeful that the new name will facilitate this."
"The Meat and Wool Section did a very good job of representing just sheep and beef farmers. The change in title won't alter that, and will hopefully remove as many barriers as possible to potential lobbying partners combining with NZMFP."
"Industry group members must continue to be able to identify with their particular organisation. This is not about combining all lobby groups - rather it is about creating synergies to focus resources to accomplish the best outcomes for all farmers," concluded Mr Lester.
ENDS For further information: Chris Lester 025-978-424 or 07-895-4455 Maxine Yule 04-473-7269