Questions For Oral Answer - Thursday, 9 November 2
Paraphrased answers to today's questions will be posted in the Scoops wire shortly after 3pm.
Thursday, 9 November 2000
Questions to Ministers
1. JOHN CARTER to the Minister of
Finance: Does he agree with the reported comments of
Professor Neil Quigley that the People's Bank is a "bad
idea" that could blow $80 million of taxpayers' money; if
not, why not?
2. DAVID BENSON-POPE to the Minister for Information Technology: What will be the Government's follow-up to the e-commerce summit held recently in Auckland?
3. Hon TONY RYALL to the Associate Minister of Maori Affairs: Further to her answers in the House on Tuesday, will she now accept the Prime Minister's "edict" or "strong advice" that she did not want to see Ministers using the term "holocaust" in a New Zealand context and causing offence, and will she now apologise for using the term despite the "edict" or "strong advice"?
4. GRANT GILLON to the Minister for Industry and Regional Development: What new programmes has Industry New Zealand announced to promote industry and regional development?
5. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister for Industry and Regional Development: How does his speech to the New Zealand Mining and Minerals Conference on how the Government can smooth the development of the mining industry match up with pre-election commitments by the Alliance to amend the Crown Minerals Act 1991 to stop mining in conservation areas?
6. Hon BRIAN DONNELLY to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): Is it Government policy that provision has to be made for assessments in te reo Maori for all tertiary courses?
7. Hon JOHN LUXTON to the Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment (Social Services): Further to her answers in the House this week, does the Government intend to change its current policy on the placement of at-risk children to the one she advocated over the weekend where at-risk children should always be raised within their whakapapa links?
8. DAVID CUNLIFFE to the Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: What progress is the Government making in the provision of better support for exporters, as promised on the Labour Party commitment card before the last general election?
9. STEPHEN FRANKS to the Minister of Corrections: Further to his reply to written question No. 18581 (2000) that 610 serious violent offenders are due for automatic release next year, and his answer to oral question No. 2 yesterday that 80 percent of these offenders can be expected to re-offend, what steps is he taking to reform parole; if none, why not?
10. KEITH LOCKE to the Minister for Trade Negotiations: How will the Government give effect to its commitment in the Speech from the Throne that "legitimate issues of labour standards and environmental concerns need to be integrated better with trade agreements" in discussions with Hong Kong over a free trade agreement?
11. Hon MAURICE WILLIAMSON to the Minister of Maori Affairs: What capital and operating costs have been identified in relation to the establishment of a Maori television channel early next year?
12. HELEN DUNCAN to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): What has the Government done to improve the administration of student loans and allowances?