Schools Receive Nearly $400 Million Property Boost
Education Minister Trevor Mallard today released the Government’s property works programme for schools, announcing that $393 million will be committed to new work at state schools over the next twelve months.
The programme, confirming money announced in the Budget, underlines the Government's continuing determination to deliver a better learning environment for both teachers and students.
$253 million has been set aside for new projects at schools in the five year programme which was introduced by the Government last year as a means of giving schools long-term certainty and flexibility for property resourcing, rather than the annual lottery approach of the last administration.
“Our aim is to empower schools to determine their own property needs while still centrally resourcing them for this purpose," Trevor Mallard said.
"Around 500 schools have already been given the option of entering the programme, which will apply to all schools by 2004/05, and a further 390 schools will also be given the option this year.
The five year programme covers all a school’s capital funding over that period. Schools that are not yet subject to such an agreement can still access their funding through the regular programmes such as general modernisation and the financial assistance scheme. $10 million has been allocated under the scheme for nearly 300 projects at 245 schools and 80 schools will receive modernisation funding.
“The programme is not only about improving existing schools, it is also about providing capacity for the future in terms of school age population growth. In this respect $140 million will be committed to expanding the school network this year including the delivery of around 100 new classrooms and the development of new kura kaupapa Maori," Trevor Mallard said.
Details of property announcements will be available on the Ministry website from 4pm today.