Rodney Hide Telling Porkies?
Rodney Hide-- Either Telling Porkies Or Prepared To See Innocent Man In Jail
“If Rodney Hide is correct in his assertions that the man fingered by Treasury yesterday as being responsible for leaks is innocent, then it can only be assumed that he is quite prepared to see an innocent man’s career ruined and even be sent to prison in order to get his 15 minutes of fame,” according to New Zealand First Leader, Rt Hon Winston Peters.
“It is either that or he is now openly telling porkies to the media about who leaked the documents. In either case this has seriously damaged his credibility and his policy of shooting first and asking questions later.
“From a cursory reading of the evidence, it seems that the case and evidence against the named man is compelling. If the Treasury is so convinced that they have the right man then they should take the case to court and let the justice system run its course.
“The only other option is that Mr Hide is using an Arkansas defence. I noticed that he is being very careful when he says that he did not get his information from Mr Davies. This may be true, he may have got the information from a third party sourced from Mr Davies. This would be linguistic semantics and would erode his credibility even further.
“Rodney should come clean on his alternative source and protect Mr Davies or is he again telling porkies? Mark down September 27 as the day the last vestige of Hide's credibility disappeared into the ether, and this tragic figure is still touting himself as Richard's replacement in the run up to ACT’s last election,” concluded Mr Peters.