Enterprise Awards assist new ideas
21 October 2002 Media Release
Enterprise Awards assist new ideas
“New Zealanders continue to come up with brilliant new ideas which are creating jobs and new businesses,” says Economic, Industry and Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton announcing 53 Industry New Zealand Enterprise Awards totalling $636,265.
“This is the second anniversary of the Enterprise Awards and it is heartening to see that some companies that received support in the first few months are now larger businesses receiving Business Growth Grants to expand to the next level.
“There have been 641 grants totalling $5.55 million since October 2000 and the scheme has been highly successful, although we are always looking for ways to better assist businesses.
“I will be looking for ways to improve Enterprise Awards. We want to assist new ideas so that we can take New Zealand back to the top of OECD countries and again have New Zealanders enjoying one of the highest standards of living in the world.
“This Labour Progressive Government has a number of ways of assisting and working with regions, industries and businesses and these have contributed to booming regions and the lowest national and regional unemployment for 14 years. All of our regions are in positive growth mode and most at over four per cent annually,” said Jim Anderton.
Entrepreneurs or small to medium sized business owners can receive a maximum of $20,000 from an Industry New Zealand Enterprise Award, which can be used to fund up to 50 percent of the cost of a project.
Small businesses and entrepreneurs interested in Enterprise Awards and other services and support from Industry New Zealand can look at the website www.industrynz.govt.nz.
Portables Ltd, Mark Beauchamp (09) 407 6464, $13,653,
development of “foam sandwich” construction method for
housing project
The Cowcatcha Ltd, Alan Clarkson (09) 401
9167, $9,443, design of a portable cattle pen
AuthorIT Software Corporation Ltd, $7,875, business
planning for Dynamic publishing tool
Cladding Systems Ltd, John Lucaszewicz
(09) 627 8120, $19,800, development of “Overclad” framing
matrix system www.overclad.com
Conceptual Solutionz
Ltd, Peter Parsonage (09) 571 8374, $19,639, intellectual
property protection for a radial electric engine,
Dejar International Ltd,
Robert Ford (09) 309 3277, $945, market investigation for
“Digital Archive System” www.dejar.com
Exler Turf Ltd,
Stewart Exler (09) 828 8895, $20,000, develop drilling and
seeding device
Frozen Babyfood Company Ltd, Nigel
Hackney (09) 479 1174, $14,028, artwork design and financial
viability plan
Kog Transmissions, Chris Chetland (09) 846
1966, $20,000, prototype development & market investigation
for music production company www.kog.co.nz
Manson Marine
& Engineering Ltd, Steve Mair (09) 835 0968, $20,000,
marketing strategy, mentoring & quality standards
certification www.manson-marine.co.nz
RMSD Ltd, Kay
Madigan (09) 419 1219, $4,219, market investigation for
electronic marine products www.rmsd.co.nz
Group Ltd, Eduard Ebbinge (09) 446 1164, $16,312, financial
planning for proposed “Snowdome” facility
Star BT Ltd,
$12,122, intellectual property protection & feasibility
study for airline passenger tracking system
Tin Shed Partnership, Duncan Such (09) 820
6252, $20,000, prototype development of “Contour Band”
cutting & edge tapering machine
Ammas.com Ltd, Peter
Evans (09) 355 9103, $13,992, artwork, design and
intellectual property protection
Benchmark Communication Ltd, Chris Simmons
(09) 529 2887, $20,000, design and development of management
case studies for business education
Stuart Burnett, Jean Burnett (09)
444 9803, $6,187, intellectual property protection for a
sport computer programme
Evolu NZ Ltd, Paul Westlake (09)
376 7255, $6,174, development and trade fair participation
for skincare product www.evolu.com
Mobile Commerce
Ltd, Adam Clark (09) 377 9220, $20,000, development of
mobile commerce based application systems
SLAB DSP Ltd, Mark Donaldson
(09) 308 8282, $4,242, development of noise cancellation
remote jack unit www.slabdsp.com
Southern Photonics
Ltd, Daniel Molloy (09) 378 8901, $6,253, trade fair
participation www.southernphotonics.com
Anaesthesia Care Ltd, Dr Bruce Rudge (07) 856 8953,
$20,000, development of a method of syringe/drug
DBFM Quality, $1,000, intellectual
property protection for disc brake flushing system
Toys Ltd, Matthew Mowbray (07) 886 5515, $19,059, design &
development, systems evaluation & business/strategic
planning for miniature hot air balloons
M & T Cameron
Ltd, Talesa Cameron (07) 823 0950, $16,750, trademark filing
for pivotal blade digging tool
Engineering & Marine Ltd, $20,000, prototype design &
material costs for aluminium catamaran
NZ Vitalife Ltd, $10,381, market
research & product development for health products
Pacsat Eastland Ltd t/a Surfcity Interactive
Communications, Ross Stokes (06) 867 1991, $20,000,
development of an “e-cluster virtual toolset”
www.surfcity.co.nz www.e-c.co.nz
Milly Molly Group
Holdings Ltd, John Pittar (06) 868 7769, $20,000,
intellectual property protection
Fenemor Innovations
Ltd, Gillian Fenemor (06) 388 786, $8,994, mentoring &
intellectual property protection for a fencing tool for
removing staples and tensioning wire
Arda Systems Ltd, $5,136, market planning &
investigation www.mapzone.co.nz
Robyn Downham, $4,599,
develop prototype knitting machine and testing
Kairos Software Ltd, Pablo Garcia 021 664 674,
$20,000, development of “Coachware” network utilities
software www.kairos.ws
Screen Adventures Ltd, William
Kircher (04) 939 0993, $16,875, development and marketing of
film and TV products
Stansborough Fibres Ltd, Cheryl
Elridge (04) 4725 034, $12,442, new market
Supercritical Extraction NZ Ltd, $3,420,
artwork and design development for rosehip product
Ltd, $20,000, design & marketing for interactive CD Rom
based medical system www.p3research.co.nz
Tasman Tuna
Fishing Ltd, $20,000, prototype design.
Wine Technology Marlborough Ltd, David Gill (03) 572
8511, $1,135, trade fair participation to market Vinwizard
temperature control system www.winetec.net
Applied Forestry Technologies Ltd, Ralph Boardman
(03) 351 9187, $17,015, intellectual property protection for
“Woodpekka” testing device www.aftnz.com
Horticulture Ltd, $11,625, intellectual property protection
& business planning
Mark Haase (03) 355 5630, $18,750,
development and marketing of vegetable pasta shapes for
Marketing Trends International, $3,757.50,
research and develop food product
Mitton Consulting Ltd,
Tony Mitton (03) 379 2129, $8,285, develop and manufacture
specialised electrical test instrument
Thor Russell, (03) 332 5280, $10,890,
develop speech recognition software
CLCS Ltd, Chris Frogley (03) 762 7435, $9,275,
intellectual property protection for “moss pots”
Alisdair Paterson (03) 449 2808, $7,976, develop
invention for application of tail paint to dairy
Carlson Ltd, $2,812, market research
K9NZ Ltd, Adrian Dance (03) 4468
554, $2,637, design and development for “Finder Minder”
locator unit www.k9nz.com
Waipori Products Ltd, Brent
Wilson (03) 474 1685, $9,361, develop re-circulating
aquaculture system
Marnie Kelly Ltd t/a Touch Yarns,
Marnie Kelly (03) 449 2022, $1,206, trade fair participation
Rio Dolores Ltd, Barbara Barrett (03) 449 2808, $3,836,
product development & meeting international quality
standards www.riodolores.co.nz
Whitestone Cheese Ltd,
$12,850, market plan & prototype development for display
tray www.whitestonecheese.co.nz