Labour breaks promise on holidays
Labour breaks promise on holidays
The National Party’s slamming the Labour Government for breaking a pre-election promise over a Private Member’s Bill advocating four weeks paid annual leave.
“The Government’s decision to back the Bill is a display of utter contempt for the business community,” says National Industrial Relations spokesman Roger Sowry.
There could be a vote as early as Wednesday night on the The Holidays (Four Weeks Annual Leave) Amendment Bill.
“Before the election, Employment Minister Steve Maharey stated categorically to Business New Zealand’s pre-election conference, that the Government would not introduce four weeks annual leave in this term.
“Now he and the Labour Government are going back on their word,” Mr Sowry says.
“What sort of confidence can the business community have in this Government, which is suffering from a case of selective memory?
“I’m calling on Helen Clark and the Labour Party to honour their pre-election promises.
“This is a Government that claims to be business friendly, yet their voting record proves the opposite is true,” says Mr Sowry.