40 new international doctoral scholarships
24 October 2006
40 new international doctoral scholarships
Students from countries as diverse as Estonia, Belgium, Jordan and Cameroon are coming to New Zealand under forty new International Doctoral Research Scholarships, Tertiary Education Minister Michael Cullen announced today.
They will be studying in a vast range of disciplines from bio-control of insect pests through to three-dimensional medical imaging.
"The scholarships attract some of the finest academics in the world and that intellectual injection is a huge benefit to our own scholars," said Dr Cullen.
"They are also an important way of showcasing the abilities of New Zealand’s tertiary institutions to the world and that will attract interest and enrolments well beyond the scholarships themselves.
"The government wants New Zealand tertiary institutions to actively participate in the international academic community as it helps businesses and communities gain access to international research and technology.
"If we are to transform New Zealand into a higher wage, knowledge-based economy this kind of engagement is vital," said Dr Cullen.
The scholarships provide full funding for course and living costs while undertaking PhD work in New Zealand for up to three years with the latest recipients receiving funding of about $3 million.
The international doctoral scholarship programme began three years ago with the intention of enrolling 100 students. This year 537 applications were received for the scholarships, over 200 more than in 2005.
The scholarships are open to students from all around the world. Students from 20 different countries were selected and will be joining the 60 current scholarship students spread across the eight universities. Selection is undertaken by an expert panel and is strictly on academic merit.
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