Fine facts for the benefit of Mr Power
Hon Rick Barker
Minister for Courts
18 December 2006
Media Release
Fine facts for the benefit of Mr Power
As usual Simon Power hasn't let the facts get in the way of a good story, Courts Minister Rick Barker said today.
"It's been a record year for the collection of overdue fines, with $206 million receipted in 2005/06. By comparison, in 2001/02 we collected $113 million," said Rick Barker.
"There's also been a steady decrease in the proportion of fines overdue. In 2001/02 79% of fines were overdue. By 2005/06 this had reduced to 54%.
"And we're getting better at collecting reparation owed to victims of crime. In the last complete financial year (2005/06) a record $16.56 million dollars in reparation was receipted. This compares with $9.42 million five years ago (2001/02).
"The statistics speak for themselves – not only are we collecting more than ever in dollar terms, but as the proportional improvement shows, we're getting more and more effective in how we are doing it.
"We are making greater use of tools such as warrants to seize and time to pay arrangements, and initiatives such as 'Pay or Stay' and the 'Publication of Names' are all contributing to our success.
"Anyone who owes fines and reparation and looking for a New Year's resolution should take note- fines and reparation orders will not go away, we will make you pay," said Rick Barker.