Parliament Resumes With Comings And Goings
Parliament Resumes With Comings And Goings
When Parliament resumed at 2pm, Speaker Lockwood Smith said he had received the official resignation of John Carter from Parliament and Mana MP Hone Harawira was sworn in.
Prime Minister John Key moved a motion noting the House’s sadness at the mass killings in Norway, other parties spoke in support and it was passed without dissent.
The Law Commission report - ‘Review of the Privacy Act 1993: A Review of the Law of Privacy: Stage 4’ was tabled as was a report from Archives New Zealand, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga, Chief Archivist's Annual Report on the State of Government Recordkeeping 2010.
Select Committee
Reports were presented on the:
Inquiry into early detection and treatment
of prostate cancer as reported by the Health
Regulatory Reform (Repeals) Bill as
reported by the Commerce Committee;
Regulatory Reform Bill as reported by
the Commerce Committee;
Freedom Camping Bill as reported by the
Local Government and Environment Committee;
Student Loan Scheme Bill as reported by
the Finance and Expenditure Committee;
Local Government Borrowing Bill as
reported by the Local Government and Environment
Education Amendment Bill (No 4) as
reported by the Education and Science Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote ACC as
reported by the Transport and Industrial Relations
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Transport as
reported by the Transport and Industrial Relations
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Defence and Vote
Defence Force as reported by the Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Trade Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Foreign Affairs
and Trade and Vote Official Development Assistance as
reported by the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Employment as
reported by the Transport and Industrial Relations
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Immigration
as reported by the Transport and Industrial Relations
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Labour as
reported by the Transport and Industrial Relations
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Ministerial
Services as reported by the Government Administration
2011/12 Estimates for Vote State Services
as reported by the Government Administration
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Office of the
Clerk and Vote Parliamentary Service as reported by the
Government Administration Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Statistics as
reported by the Government Administration Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Pacific Island
Affairs as reported by the Government Administration
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Arts, Culture and
Heritage, Vote Emergency Management, Vote National Archives,
Vote National Library, Vote Ombudsmen, Vote Prime Minister
and Cabinet, Vote Racing, and Vote Sport and Recreation
as reported by the Government Administration
Visit of a delegation of chairpersons and
deputy chairpersons from the Legislative Assembly of
Queensland as reported by the Government Administration
Visit by a delegation from the Parliament of
Tuvalu as reported by the Foreign Affairs, Defence and
Trade Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Local Government
as reported by the Local Government and Environment
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Climate Change
and for Vote Environment as reported by the Local
Government and Environment Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Conservation
as reported by the Local Government and Environment
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Parliamentary
Commissioner for the Environment as reported by the
Local Government and Environment Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Consumer Affairs
as reported by the Commerce Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Police as
reported by the Law and Order Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Corrections
as reported by the Law and Order Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Serious Fraud
as reported by the Law and Order Committee;
Visit of a delegation of Chairpersons and
Deputy Chairpersons from the Legislative Assembly of
Queensland as reported by the Justice and Electoral
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Fisheries as
reported by the Primary Production Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Lands as
reported by the Primary Production Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Tertiary
Education as reported by the Education and Science
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Education as
reported by the Education and Science Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Commerce as
reported by the Commerce Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Housing as
reported by the Social Services Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Revenue as
reported by the Finance and Expenditure Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Canterbury
Earthquake Recovery as reported by the Finance and
Expenditure Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Education Review
Office as reported by the Education and Science
Petition 2008/0105 of Paula Thackwell and
8,246 others as reported by the Health Committee;
2011/12 Estimates for Vote Health as
reported by the Health
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