Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord - Events
Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord
Regional events and online signing
On 13 June 2011 Cabinet endorsed the Kia Tūtahi Standing Together Relationship Accord and agreed to the release of the Kia Tūtahi Steering Group’s report. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord is an important symbol of commitment between government and communities to build strong relationships. View the Accord below.
At Parliament on 1 August 2011 the Prime Minister and Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector hosted a signing ceremony and signed the Accord on behalf of Government. The Accord was also signed by community representatives and endorsed by the government chief executives present.
Following this ceremony there will be opportunities for
communities to sign the Accord online and at a small
number of regional events in the following areas.
Auckland - 9 August 2011
Papakura Marae,
29 Hunua Rd, Papakura, Auckland
11:00am to 12:30pm
(Please arrive from 10:40am for a prompt start).
required to by 3 August 2011.
§ Gisborne - 12 August
Cosmopolitan Club 190 Derby Street,
11:00am to 12:30pm (Please arrive from 10:40am
for a prompt start).
RSVP required to by 5 August 2011.
§ Dunedin - 19 August
Community House, 283 - 301 Moray Place,
2:00pm to 3:30pm (Please arrive from 1:40pm for a
prompt start).
RSVP required to by 12 August 2011.
Feel free to invite others to these regional meetings, but as numbers are limited, we need to receive RSVPs by the dates mentioned above. Please let us know if you have any special requirements or needs.
At the meetings, an edited video of the signing ceremony will be shown, and an opportunity will be provided to sign the Accord and to share your ideas about implementing it, followed by refreshments. There will also be opportunities to sign up at other community events (eg. at a possible event in Christchurch on 5 September 2011).
Kia Tūtahi: An Accord
between the Government and Communities of Aotearoa -
released 27 June 2011
The Minister for the
Community and Voluntary Sector has directed the Office for
the Community and Voluntary Sector (OCVS) to post the
following Cabinet paper and minute on our website. These
papers are released consistent with the Official Information
Act 1982. This paper sought Cabinet’s agreement to a
high-level Accord between Government and Communities of
Aotearoa New Zealand to strengthen their relationship. It
also sought agreement on the next steps giving effect to the
Accord including a work programme led by the OCVS in
conjunction with government agencies and community
organisations who have agreed to champion the Accord.
Kia Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and
Communities of Aotearoa
(PDF, 83MB) | HTML
§ Arabic - Kia Tūtahi: An
Accord between the Government and Communities of Aotearoa
(MS Word, 100KB) | (PDF, 184KB)
§ Fijian - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 56KB) | (PDF, 180KB)
§ Hindi - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 120KB) | (PDF, 208KB)
§ Korean - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 80KB) | (PDF, 204KB)
§ Māori - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 72KB) | (PDF, 184KB)
§ Samoan - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 88KB) | (PDF, 196KB)
§ Simplified Chinese
- Kia Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and
Communities of Aotearoa
(MS Word, 84KB) | (PDF, 260KB)
§ Traditional Chinese
- Kia Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and
Communities of Aotearoa
(MS Word, 84KB) | (PDF, 284KB)
§ Tongan - Kia
Tūtahi: An Accord between the Government and Communities of
(MS Word, 92KB) | (PDF, 176KB)