Labour commits to stable funding for voluntary sector
Spokesperson for the Voluntary and
Community Sector
4 September 2014
Labour commits to stable funding for voluntary sector
A Labour Government will establish long-term funding and streamline contract accountability for community and voluntary groups, says Labour’s spokesperson for the sector Louisa Wall.
Announcing Labour’s policy for the community and voluntary sector, she said this would give much greater certainty around organisations planning and delivering their programmes and reduce compliance costs.
“The community and voluntary sector plays an increasingly important role in delivering social services. We believe that we need to help develop the workforce in and support the sector’s capability to engage as a partner with government in meeting the needs of our communities.
“We are also mindful that the private sector and other public sector entities have skills and expertise that could help build capacity and capability through social enterprise initiatives.
“The sector is starting to really feel the pressure of constrained funding and we believe that the Government has a strong role to play in investment and funding decisions to maintain the sector.
“In the wake of National’s decision to disestablish the Charities Commission, Labour will review the Charities Act which includes the definition of charitable purpose. Labour believes the Charities Commission had a vital role to play. It encouraged good governance and management practices across the sector and this has been compromised.
“Labour will encourage the Kiwi spirit of finding local solutions and develop a social inclusion approach as a new way of working together with communities to ensure all peopled feel valued, their differences are respected, their needs are met and they can fulfil their dreams and aspirations,” says Louisa Wall.