Feedback sought on amendments to Christchurch District Plan
Hon Megan Woods
Minister for Greater Christchurch
Friday 9 November 2018
Feedback sought on amendments to the Christchurch District Plan
The Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Hon Dr Megan Woods, is seeking feedback on a proposal aimed at clarifying the planning rules for residential homes in some eastern suburbs.
The proposal was developed by Christchurch City Council after it was highlighted there was an absence of a specific policy direction to support the Residential Unit Overlay.
Dr Woods says the Residential Unit Overlay is an area consisting of parts of New Brighton, South New Brighton, Southshore and Redcliffs where the risk of flooding is mainly from sea level rise.
“The proposal would allow people with vacant sites within the Residential Unit Overlay where homes have been demolished following the earthquakes, to build without requiring a resource consent.
“It is intended to provide greater clarity and certainty over building in these coastal areas of the city.”
The proposal asks the Minister to use her powers under section 71 of the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 to make the amendments to the Christchurch District Plan.
Using section 71 would fast track and make the amendments possible.
All written comments must be received by 5.00pm, Monday, 26 November 2018 and will be taken into account by the Minister in deciding whether to approve the Proposal.
The Proposal can be viewed and
written comments made online at:
The Proposal can also be viewed, and written comment forms are available, at Christchurch City Council service centres and libraries, and the main office of Selwyn and Waimakariri District Councils from Monday 12 November 2018.