Helen Clark's "Covert Deals"
Sunday 10 October 1999
Helen Clark's "Covert
"Labour is covertly entering into electoral
deals with the Greens and the Alliance, despite Helen
Clark's earlier assurances that such accommodations by
Labour would not be entered into," says Banks Peninsula MP
David Carter.
"The Green's resignation from the Banks Peninsula electorate seat requires a payback from Labour, and the reward will be Labour withdrawing from the Coromandel seat - to be announced within the next two weeks," says Mr Carter.
"At the end of the month another accommodation will be announced, namely the Alliance Party withdrawing from Wellington Central in a desperate attempt to beat Richard Prebble."
"Accommodations are part of MMP, but Helen Clark should front up and be honest about the deals she has negotiated with the Alliance Party and the Greens."
"The public of New Zealand has a right to know."