Labour Must Front Up On ACC
ACT Leader Hon Richard Prebble today said Labour's ACC Spokesman Ruth Dyson must front up to businesses and workers around the country and explain why she is determined to put them at risk by turning back the clock on ACC.
"Ruth Dyson has no answers. She is not listening to businesses, the job creators. Labour's Employment Spokesman Steve Maharey is now also in the gun with ACT's revelation today that Labour's policies to turn back the clock on ACC and repeal the ECA are putting 100 new jobs in his electorate of Palmerston North at risk.
"The Labour Party cannot cite a single country in the world that has a monopoly state accident system. Every country is heading for choice and flexibility in Accident Insurance. Ruth Dyson hasn't even got the cost of the so-called 'tail' right. Ruth Dyson is a massive 40% out with her figures. It was $7 billion under the old ACC but by applying better management it has come down to $4.4 billion and if ACT's proposals were followed there would be a huge further reduction.
"Ruth Dyson telling companies, who have received a reduction in their ACC premiums, that the reduction's not real is one of the silliest things I've ever heard. No doubt Labour will be saying to companies like Artel Industries in Levin when they have to pay 37% more for their ACC premiums that it is not a real increase.
"ACT has produced real examples of how Labour's proposal will cost jobs and I challenge Ruth Dyson to produce any substantial employer or industry group who will be better off under Labour's proposal," said Hon Richard Prebble.