Only NZ First Can Stop Labour Tax Hikes
Extracts from a speech by Rt Hon Winston Peters to a public meeting at the Capitaine Bougainville Theatre, Forum North, WHANGAREI at 1230pm ,Tuesday 23rd November 1999.
It now appears that Labour will win the most votes next Saturday and New Zealand First is now the only party which can keep them honest for the next three years.
As we said earlier in the campaign, we will give supply to the party which wins the most votes. It is very doubtful if that will be National.
Voters are understandably turning off Mrs Shipley and her brat pack. They have no clear plans or policies – just glossy ads, and warm fuzzy messages from National Ministers pretending to be sincere.
They are also pandering to the extremists of ACT – and we know that New Zealanders are too sensible to vote for the vicious, divisive policies of this party.
The biggest problem for New Zealanders after this election is how to keep Labour honest. We saw a glimpse of this dishonesty at the weekend when Helen Clark explained what Labour was going to do in the first hundred days in power.
Guess what she forgot to put on the list? That they would be trying to pass an Act, increasing taxes from the 1st of April!
Remember 1984 and Roger Douglas? Many of the people who sat around the cabinet table with Douglas and Prebble in 1984 are still there! The people who gave us GST!
The Alliance will become irrelevant after the election. They are being used by Labour to sell the idea of a kind, caring coalition government.
The Alliance people make all the promises about creating a paradise (paid by taxpayers of course) while Labour smile and say – thanks suckers!
When it comes to discussing which Alliance policies will be adopted, Labour actually distance themselves.
Labour has not conceded anything to Jim Anderton. He has no agreement, no contract, no guarantee, no nothing. He has even taken a candidate out of a seat for Labour – and has got nothing in return.
This is what happens when a newer party gets tied into a coalition position with one of the old parties without any formal agreement.
That’s why we made National sign a political contract to bring in the first social reforms in thirty years. And they didn’t like it!
There is only one party now capable of making Labour work in the interests of ALL New Zealanders, and one party which will stop tax increases, and that is New Zealand First.
We are the only guarantee that New Zealanders have of stopping Labour doing what it likes. The Alliance will be thrown a few crumbs on the Monday after the election – a few ministerial posts, and the odd LTD.
That will be it – and the end of Jim.
Both Labour and National know that New Zealand First is the only party capable making them share power.
That is why we have been subjected to the dirtiest election campaign that I can remember.
And it is coming from both sides!
A doctor in Christchurch – a NZ First candidate - had a complaint laid against him by the Press newspaper.
It alleged to ACC that he had ripped them off for $26 and then reported that he was under investigation.
We have had smear tactics from one end of the country to the other.
New Zealanders are sick of these gutter politics. They want politicians to discuss issues on their merits and to pass laws that are good for the country.