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'Te Reo Is Alive'

4 December 2001

Contrary to the doom and gloom surrounding the survival or otherwise of the Mäori language, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori (the Mäori Language Commission) reported today that the past year had been one of its best yet.

"The past year has been one of the most proactive and exciting in the history of Te Taura Whiri," said Chairman Dr Patu Hohepa and Chief Executive Haami Piripi said in the Commission's Annual Report tabled in Parliament today.

The report highlights the revival of 'Matariki' as a celebration of the Pacific New Year and the establishment of an annual Mäori Language Conference as key factors in the high level exposure of the language and role of Te Taura Whiri to New Zealanders.

The report noted relationship building between Mäori language stakeholders, iwi Mäori, educational institutions, private sector groups, government agencies and international dignitaries as being one of the Commissions greatest achievements.

Over the past year Te Taura Whiri has positioned itself to progress four strategically important initiatives. These are to:

Support the establishment of Mäori language communities; Lead a coordinated approach to language planning; establish a National Mäori Language Institute and facilitate a Mäori Language Monitoring Framework.

"The report shows that the Commission has regained stability after the preceding turbulent 12 months when five staff members and all but one Commissioner resigned. During the 2000-2001 financial year, we are able to report that our Board and secretariat numbers have stabilised," said Haami.

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"This year the number of staff working at the office Commission has more than doubled This has enabledenabling the Commission to initiate innovative projects above and beyond the services purchased by government from it. We have also been supported by outside agencies including; Te Papa, the Ministry of Education, Television New Zealand, Te Mängai Päho and Te Puni Kökiri."

'Kei te ora Te Reo'

E ai ki te Pürongo ä-tau a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori ko te tau kua taha ake nei tëtahi tau tino pai rawa atu. E ätete ana tënei i ngä whakaaro pöuri e karapoti ana i te oranga, te kore oranga ränei o te reo Mäori.

"Kätahi anö tëtahi tau tino töiriiri, ngangahau hoki mö Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori mai i töna orokohanga," te kï a te Toihau, a Täkuta Patu Hohepa räua ko Haami Piripi, te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori, i roto i te Pürongo ä-tau i täpaetia ki te aroaro o Päremata i te rangi nei.

E tïpako ana te pürongo nei i te whakaoranga o 'Matariki' hei hui whakanui i te Tau Hou mö Te Moananui-a-Kiwa me te whakatünga o tëtahi Hui ä-tau mö Te Reo hei tino take mö te whakaari whänui o te reo me ngä kawenga o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori ki ngä tängata o Aotearoa.

Ko te whakatutukitanga nui rawa atu i taea e te Kömihana, ko te whakapakari ake i ngä mahi e pä ana ki ngä hononga ki ngä hunga whai pänga reo Mäori, te iwi Mäori, ngä kura mätauranga, ngä röpü o te rängai tümataiti, ngä pokapü käwanatanga, me ngä manuhiri tüärangi, e ai ki te pürongo.

Kua whakaritea e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori, i te tau kua taha ake nei, kia tü ngä rautakinga kaupapa whakahirahira e whä. Arä: Ki te tautoko i te whakatünga o ngä hapori reo Mäori; Ki te taki i tëtahi ara ruruku mö te maherehere reo; Ki te whakatü Pütahi Reo Mäori me te kokiri i te whakatünga o tëtahi Pou taräwaho Aroturuki Reo Mäori.

E ai ki a Haami, "Ka kitea i roto i tënei pürongo kua tau anö te noho a te Kömihana, whai muri mai i te 12 marama hükeri mai i te wehenga atu o ngä kaimahi e rima, me ngä kaiwhiri katoa i tua atu i tëtahi o rätou i noho mai. Ka taea e mätou te kï kua tau ngä türanga o te Poari me te röpü kaimahi i te tau pütea 2000-2001."

"Kua neke atu i te aparua ngä kaimahi a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori a tënei tau, kia ähei ai te Kömihana ki te whakatutuki i ngä kaupapa wairua auaha i tua atu noa i ngä ratonga i hokona e te Käwanatanga. Kua tautoko hoki mätou e ngä pokapü ake, përä i Te Papa Tongarewa, Te Tähuhu o te Mätauranga, Te Reo Tätaki, Te Mängai Päho me Te Puni Kökiri."

Ka mutu

Electronic copies of the Annual Report can be downloaded from our website. Hard copies will be available from the offices of Te Taura Whiri from 7 December 2001.


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