Organic Sector GE Rally Parliament Grounds
Organic Sector GE Rally Parliament Grounds
16TH September 1pm – 3pm
As fellow organisations involved with the organic sector of Aotearoa New Zealand you are invited to attend a rally to present to all Members of Parliament a call for reinstatement of the moratorium preventing release of Genetically Engineered Organisms into our environment and food chain.
It is anticipated that the New Organisms and Other Matters Bill, the nuts and bolts of the regulatory system for GE conditional release, will have its second reading in Parliament on the day of this rally. The rally will proceed regardless, as Parliament will soon be in recess for two weeks. There is little time for any influence before the moratoriums end.
The Soil and Health Association of New Zealand will be presenting all MP’s a letter in their morning mail and will be making appointments with key Government Ministers and the Environmental Risk Management Authority for that day to further our concerns.
A draft of our letter to MP’s is attached and it is recommended that your organisation joins our letter or has their own.
A representative from your organisation would be welcome to address the rally and it is preferred that all organisations have a banner depicting their logo.
Creative protest banners and props will be
useful but most important is the attendance of members of
your group and its friends and supporters. Other sectors
are likely to be attending. Please network this
information and for our logistics indicate your level of
support asap.