Support For Nationals DNA Proposals
1st November 2007
Support For Nationals DNA Proposals
A criminal justice watchdog believes Nationals DNA proposals will reduce the level of crime in our communities and act as a deterrent for repeat offenders.
National proposes that DNA samples be taken from all those suspected of offences punishable by a term of imprisonment and that policy has won the Support of the Sensible Sentencing Trust.
Trust spokesman Garth McVicar said current laws are allowing many offenders to get away with committing multiple offences, "New Zealand has become a very criminal country, we support Nationals proposals as it will mean more criminals will be caught, it will reduce the level of crime in our communities and act as a deterrent for repeat offenders."
"DNA is nothing more than the modern form of finger-printing and we do not believe it is a breach of human rights or civil liberties, in fact this policy enforces the rights of the law abiding citizens"
"The only people who have anything to fear from this are those committing the crimes.and we have no sympathy for them."
"Criminals have been given the upper-hand for to long, Nationals policy is nothing but a very small step in the right direction."
Mr. McVicar said the Sensible Sentencing Trust would like to see legislation that would make it compulsory for DNA to be taken on arrest, "We will be actively promoting DNA on arrest as we lead up to the general election next year."