Rod Oram Leads Panel Debate: Local Or Global
10 August 2012
Rod Oram Leads Panel Debate Local Or Global - What World Do You Want?
Is being a New Zealander about where you live or more about who you are? Are the best solutions local or global? Can local actions bring about global change?
These are some of the questions up for debate at Unitec's Forum for the Future Local or Global - which world do you want?
On Wed 15 August, Business Commentator Rod Oram will be joined by Kim Campbell, Chief Executive of the Employment and Manufacturers Association; Mark Skelding of Transition Towns; Jamie Sinclair, Member of Sustainable Business Network; Shannon Pennefather, President of USU; Yamin Tun, Film Maker and International Student Rep Marina Beck to discuss this topic.
"As we head towards 10billion people on the planet, our economic, environmental and social challenges are multiplying fast," says Rod Oram. "Are the best solutions local or global? Or is there a big link between the two in this increasingly inter-dependent world? Those were critical issues 50,000 delegates to the UN's Sustainability Summit wrestled with in Rio de Janeiro in June. "
The Panel: Kim Campbell, has had a long-standing career in exporting and manufacturing organisations in New Zealand, as well as the Philippines and Australia, while Mark Skelding is concerned with local issues in a social and economic context.
Jamie Sinclair recently project managed the "Vision 2050" report - articulating a sustainable future for New Zealand and Yamin Tun is a Burmese-born New Zealand film maker who recently had her film Two Princes selected for the Auckland International Film Festival.
President of Unitec Students' Association, Shannon Pennefather, values community identity, which he believes will, "create more awareness, visibility and acceptance". Hailing from Germany, Marina Beck has been the International Student Representative at Unitec for the last two years.
Says Rod, "Come to Forum for the Future and help us create a mini, one-night Rio to see what we can offer New Zealand."
For more information go to:,
Forum for the Future 2012: Join the
Wed 8 August, Unitec TV Studio,
Building 12, Mt Albert