Fronde harnesses young technology talent
October 2008
Fronde harnesses young technology

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Eight Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec)
students have kick-started their careers with a Technology
Cadetship and are looking forward to a rewarding summer. As
part of the cadetship programme, the students have been
awarded a $2,500 scholarship, offered paid employment
throughout their studies and have gained an introduction
into the IT industry with prominent Wellington based
company, Fronde.
Described as a solution to increasing skill shortages in the industry, the Cadetship programme is proving to be a win-win situation for both Fronde and WelTec. This year, Fronde has doubled the number of Cadetships available and seized the opportunity to offer a second year Cadetship for two returning students and hire two graduates on a permanent basis.
Diploma in Software Engineering graduate and current Bachelor of Information Technology student, Ken Dixon was one of the cadets recruited in the first intake in 2007 and has now been offered a permanent position with Fronde as a Junior Developer upon completion of his studies in November.
"Working with Fronde was such a good introduction to the industry - they are a great company to work for and they look after their staff really well. I was pretty happy with having my fees paid for and I enjoyed working with different teams on various projects.
"I was really pleased to be given the opportunity to work with them and I am looking forward to working with them on a permanent basis", says Mr Dixon.
Ian Clarke, Fronde CEO emphasises that for both Fronde as a company and the industry as a whole there is tremendous value in supporting future professionals at the beginning of their careers in the ICT industry. "Cadetships allow us to provide hands-on training and mentoring to ensure that the transition from academia to work is a successful one and they get the support they need to grow into experienced professionals. At the same time these students are building solid working relationships that can form the foundation for long-term employment."
"WelTec applicants are impressive," continues Clarke. "We need self-starters, enthusiastic people who will not only fit in with our team culture but our values as well. WelTec has consistently provided high calibre applicants. As a successful IT services business, the people behind our products and the delivery of them is as important as the solutions themselves. That's why we look for people with personality, potential and practical skills."
Information Technology Team Leader Ian Hunter says that the experience will give them great insight into the industry and also provides an opportunity for students to get their foot in the door with a major IT employer.
"WelTec graduates are sought after because of their applied skills - our curriculum is developed to meet the needs of industry. Our graduates are in demand and have a huge range of options once qualified in the areas of software testing and development, programme analysis, database management, networking and information security to name but a few."