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Qobuz, The Pioneering High Resolution Music Streaming And Downloading Platform, Launches In New Zealand

Qobuz, the French platform for streaming and downloading high-quality music, today launched its service in New Zealand. Kiwi music lovers and audiophiles will now have access to its unique offering: high resolution sound combined with rich editorial content.

A differentiating, exclusive and cutting-edge offer

Founded in 2007, Qobuz's mission is to provide music lovers and audiophiles with an unparalleled listening experience that respects the music as the artist intended. Committed to offering the purest sound quality, Qobuz offers a catalogue of millions of tracks in every genre, from both major and independent labels, available to stream and download in either CD quality (often referred to as HiFi or HD) or Hi-Res (otherwise known as studio quality) audio (24-Bit / up to 192 kHz).

A rich source of editorial content

Qobuz makes it easy to discover, and rediscover, iconic artists and emerging local and international talent. With more than half a million album reviews, artist biographies, musical booklets, interviews and music articles, Qobuz provides context to the music of yesterday, today and tomorrow, while highlighting the artists to follow and albums - new and iconic - that are worth listening to. As a part of Qobuz’s expansion, the editorial team has introduced a full range of playlists featuring local artists that are available to subscribers both locally and around the world.

Qobuz, the world’s best Hi-Res music streaming and download service

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A pioneer of high quality sound, Qobuz is now available in 18 countries. In France, where the platform was born, in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, in the United States since 2019, and now, Northern Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland). As it continues its international expansion, from April 15, Qobuz will be available in both New Zealand and Australia.

Deputy CEO of Qobuz, George Fornay, said: “Since 2007, Qobuz has set a global benchmark for high-end music streaming and downloading, offering the highest quality music listening experience in the market. Far from just a simple streaming service, Qobuz aims to bring music back to its true value by offering our subscribers a complete experience that respects the way the artist intends for their music to be enjoyed. We are absolutely thrilled to finally bring Qobuz to New Zealand, where the expectation for a high quality listening offering such as ours exists - not just amongst consumers, but within the vibrant, diverse and incredibly talented Kiwi music industry.”

Local pricing

Qobuz offers different subscriptions, allowing local users to stream unlimited music in Hi-Res (often referred to as UltraHD) and CD (often referred to as HiFi or HD) quality.

Studio Premier / Studio Premier Family

Studio Premier gives users access to the entire Qobuz catalogue of Hi-Res and CD quality albums, all available for streaming. On the Studio Premier Family subscription, family members in the same home can share up to six accounts under one subscription.

  • Studio Premier - NZ$23.33 per month (total of $279.99 billed annually)
  • Studio Premier - NZ$29.99 per month (monthly subscription, no strings attached)
  • Studio Premier Family - NZ$44.16 per month (total of NZ$529.99 billed annually)
  • Studio Premier Family - NZ$49.99 per month (monthly subscription, no strings attached)
  • Studio Sublime - NZ$29.16 per month (total of NZ$349.99 billed annually)
  • Studio Sublime Family - NZ$62.49 per month (total of NZ$749.99 billed annually)

Studio Sublime / Studio Sublime Family

Studio Sublime gives users access to the entire Qobuz catalogue of Hi-Res and CD quality albums, all available for streaming and download purchase with exclusive Studio Sublime discounts on Hi-Res purchases of up to 60%. On the Studio Sublime Family subscription, family members in the same home can share up to six Qobuz accounts under one subscription.

The Qobuz app is available to download for free. To enjoy music as the artist intended, download the Qobuz app today via the Android or iOS app store or by heading to

Follow @qobuz on Instagram and Facebook #QobuzANZ

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