Panmure’s “Lively Heart” Restored
27 August 2002
Panmure’s “Lively Heart” Restored
The Panmure community’s “lively heart has been revitalised” following the adoption of Auckland City’s Liveable Community Plan for the suburb.
Councillor Bill Christian, chairman of the Auckland City Council’s Works Committee, says the Liveable Community Plan had taken three years of consultation with the community to develop. The plan was adopted at last week’s full meeting of Council.
“The process of planning for future growth has been difficult for the Panmure community and Auckland City has had to work hard to create trust and form a partnership approach,” says Cr Christian.
“During the consultative phase we have seen the emergence of the Panmure Community Action Group and the revitalisation of the Panmure Commercial Association.
“Well over 300 residents have been actively involved in the consultation process through attendance of public meetings.”
Councillor Christian says the Liveable Community Plan was developed to guide the future growth of Panmure as part of Auckland City’s strategy for future growth.
The consultation process began with the development of a discussion document “Panmure’s Future” that recorded the aspirations of the community for the area.
The intention of the document was to propose actions
to guide and manage the effects of growth while maintaining
the valued aspects of the community and its environment.
Submissions were invited from the community following
the launch of the discussion document. A hearing
committee read the written submissions and a special hearing
was held for submitters wishing to address the
Councillor Christian said that following the submission process the hearings committee recommended a number of changes to the discussion document to clarify some matters and to reiterate the importance of protecting and enhancing the local environment as growth occurs.
He says the principles in the Panmure Liveable Community Plan included managed growth in locations close to employment, transport routes and shops, the maintenance and development of strong communities, best practice urban design and economic development and employment and funding for projects to help the plan work.
“Now that the plan has been adopted an action plan and funding strategy to implement it will be prepared and reported to the City Development Committee.”