Seminar to Focus on Farm Profit
Seminar to Focus on Farm Profit
A half-day management seminar highlighting the need for Northland farmers to change focus from production to profit is being held in Whangarei on Tuesday November 26th.
Organiser of the seminar, Peter Floyd, said that with falling farm gate prices many farmers were trying to compensate by increasing production, but that didn’t necessarily lead to greater profit.
“The only way of ensuring that farms are profitable is to get to grips with modern business management techniques,” says Floyd.
“This means farmers changing their focus from production to key business performance indicators, such as profit per kilogram of dry matter grown, the ratio of costs to net income, and return on investment”.
The seminar will outline good business management practice, and a new strategic management system, the COGENT Process, designed to analyse farm businesses and predict the most profitable options for change.
will include: Martin Hawes, financial consultant and author
of many books on financial management, trusts, and taxation
Joan Baker, business planning consultant and coach in wealth
creation Peter Floyd, developer of the COGENT Process for
strategic management of farm businesses
A number of
North farmers will be available to answer questions about
their experiences with the new system.
The Seminar will be
held at Forum North starting at 11am. Light lunch will be
available. For inquiries and bookings phone 0800 264 368.