Christchurch launch of Kidsafe Week
Ilam School hosts the Christchurch launch of Kidsafe Week
The seventh annual Kidsafe Week runs from 17 – 24 October 2003, and this year Ilam School will host the Christchurch launch.
Kidsafe week is a national promotion aimed at the prevention of injuries to our kids. During Kidsafe Week, the Christchurch Kidsafe Week Coalition is celebrating six years of the Christchurch City Council’s Cycle Safe programme - teaching Year 6 pupils in local schools the skills and knowledge they need to cycle safety on the road.
On Friday 17 October, parents and caregivers of pupils at Ilam School are invited to come along to some or all of the day’s activities, including:
‘Car & Kids’ display demonstrating how ‘invisible’ small children are to backing drivers; St John’s Ambulance lessons about treating cutting injuries (9.30 am – midday); Cycle safety activities (including on-road safety tests); and Rewards and treats for the kids at 3 pm.
For further information on Kidsafe week
or to enter the internet competition for kids visit the