Comments welcome for recreation area at Panmure
13 October 2003
Comments welcome
for recreation area at Panmure Basin
Residents of Panmure are invited to have their say about proposed plans to create a recreation area around Panmure Basin.
The plans look at developing the area as a focal point for the community where a wide range of recreational opportunities are provided.
The area is already home to an assortment of parks and recreational facilities like Panmure Domain, Lagoon Leisure and Fitness Centre, Lagoon Stadium, Panmure Basin Foreshore Reserve, Peterson Road Reserve, and Esplanade Reserves below Marine Parade.
Community involvement is a key part of the design process and feedback will help Auckland City to refine the plans further, so that they meet the current and future needs of the community.
variety of issues which may impact on the future use of the
basin area have been considered as part of the design
concept, including:
- landscaping
- establishing
appropriate entry options for the Lagoon Leisure and Fitness
- pedestrian linkages to and from basin
sports club usage
- parking and traffic flow
impact of the proposed Eastern Corridor
- public safety
- archaeological and geological history
- youth
The plan features some bright ideas for youth, like a confidence/agility course set within the sloping banks of the basin, a skate park and hard court area for shooting hoops.
People can find out more information about the proposed ideas by visiting and can have their say in any of the following ways:
- Attend the open day on Sunday 19 October 2003, 10am - 2pm at Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club - basin end of Ireland Road.
Or visit the displays at
the following venues:
- Mt Wellington (Panmure) Library,
10 - 27 Oct 2003
- Lagoon Leisure and Fitness Centre, 10
- 27 Oct 2003.
Comments close Monday 27 October 2003.